
That’s just what the fake media would have you believe!

Has somebody already submitted this to Awkward Family Photos?

The specs list a Core i5 which makes it a slightly better deal. It could certainly use more RAM but that’s an easy enough upgrade.

The specs list a Core i5 which makes it a slightly better deal. It could certainly use more RAM but that’s an easy

Quick, call Precident Trump, he’ll save us!

That is the calmest baby in the history of the world. I don’t think Jesus would have been that quiet.

This is the best quote, unless you’re at an airport, maybe don’t say it then.

Pretty good but of course 500 years ago most people (at least in seafaring countries) knew the earth was round.

My acid days were the late ‘80s to the mid ‘90s. I think we’d call them hits, tabs, tickets. Though my memory of those days a somewhat fuzzy as I was doing my best to become Jim Ignatowski.

Tabs are paper. I would assume they are the same size and shape that you’re familiar with.

France hasn’t heard of modern manufacturing techniques? That butter must cost a crap ton!


I hardly think that attitude is necessary and it’s certainly not productive.

I’d say the risk of triggering a mental breakdown for one.

I have never had acid last that long, 8 - 10 hours seemed to be the usual. Man, it’s been a really, really long time.

I haven’t read the article but I can only assume it’s about an effort by scientists to create ugnaughts and gamorreans. I for one applaud their efforts.

Counterpoint: How mass produced are these ships? Would you know one Toyota Corrola from another? Darth Vader certainly connected the pieces but still didn’t have verifiable proof.

I agree with all of your points but I really like Rogue One so I’m rolling with it anyway.

‘“For too long, we’ve been held back by burdensome regulations on our energy industry,” the energy plan says. “President Trump will refocus the EPA on its essential mission of protecting our air and water.”’

I find it endlessly amusing that you people think Trump won’t do literally anything for money.