
EEEEEEEE!!! Oh Gene!

Does anyone have a running list of all the different missions we've seen on this show?

"It’s all leading up to some kind of business plan for Turtle. Maybe he’ll turn out to be richer than all the rest of ‘em when the show finally comes to an end."

Do we know what year we're currently in?

If that's the case, it's the Martha situation coming up again. Philip made his feelings known about Stan not wanting him to become Martha but also he might not want Elizabeth to become a Clark.

Anybody else think that Philip might be working Elizabeth? Remember, he got married to Martha when she was pulling away and getting cold feet. Do we think this is P's way of securing E on his side when he finally leaves the Centre's employ?

I agree about Green Arrow - Broken. Did they follow up that story in the Future's End series? There seemed to be no point to that chapter. I remember people applauded the Grayson Future's End tie-in but I wasn't a fan of that either. Maybe I'm missing something.

He became a DJ throwing dance parties at Disney's Hollywood Studios during Star Wars Weekends. No lie. I was rocking out to him last week.

No Burn Notice?!

Doctor Who

The A.V. Club

I am finding way too much enjoyment out of the use of new/old-label Miller Lite bottles this season.

Whose bright idea was it to have a plot around delivering a brand-new car to a just-turned 21 year who had been at the bar all night?! The hell is wrong with people.

No love for The Panel Syndicate? The Private Eye has been a consistent from the start and it's pay-as-you-want method can certainly change the independent publisher industry.

Try picking up trades 4, 5, and (eventually) 6. The Kill Machine and Outsiders War. Superb.

How are people reading Multiversity? Print or Digital? I've been doing digital with plans to get the hardcover or absolute edition when all is said and done.

I really hope they find a way of introducing most of Lemire's threads.

Not as bad as the Joker creating Jason Todd…

Definitely fair points. It seems the Nu52 was mainly focused on making things bigger(!). Old DC - Dick Grayson buys Haley's Circus. New DC - Dick Grayson buys Haley's Circus with the daughter of the man that killed his parents, the circus becomes an extravaganza before being destroyed and leaving Grayson with nothing

If you don't mind me asking what Nightwing/Grayson did you grow up with? I started with Devin Grayson's first issue (if only we knew the horrors to come) and continued until the end, collecting the Chuck Dixon run as well. I felt Higgins/Nu52 was a love letter or at least attempt to emulate the Dixon run. Sometimes it