
H could be right, but i think this is the fault with all of these influencers and the loud social perception of the market. We just went through so much hoopla about EVs being what the market wants, lower gas consumption , carmakers obliged and super served, even with these hybrids, and then they take a loss. AMG

I haven’t lived in any other country, but from what I see on TV, travelling isn’t a 1 to 1 ratio comapred to most places in the US. Walking is not even encouraged mostly in our society, the same way it’s prioritized in other countries, albeit because of population density or poor economy. Even rural areas have quite

There is no “but” anything and nothing accidental about this. This was preventable. Period If this society is going to give douchebags like this access to large amounts of money to buy things he surely hasn’t “worked” for to deserve by his age. then the punishment should be just as severe. People with much less get

I really enjoyed reading this story. Sounds like you lived fun live with your experience too! I am 6'5 and had a first gen countryman all4S with every single option. I loved it so much. Being german, it definitely had the space for me as my height comes from the legs primarily. Plus Def has handled me amd some burly

These comments, like damn. First off, he mad bad decisions and needs therapy to discover the root of why he makes them. I hate stories like this because of the judgements. Believe it or not, good financial education is not prevalent in many families or communities. I would know. Also, so much bad advice is actually

What??! How do you come to that conclusion? That's very farfetched, if anything the kids might inherit some bad financial habits or care too much about things they don't need. But mostly, I've seen plenty of new parents realize kids ain't cheap and shift their priorities to ensure the kids has their needs and wants

There are so many tone deaf comments on here and some that call them out thankfully. This topic always illicit those type of comments. Contrary to popular belief, good financing habits are not well known, the right kind of cars are not right for everyone much less available to everyone. 5k car looks very different than

Iit’s easy to say that people make bad decisions and sucks for them. However we dont realize that there really are a plethora of people that dont have well informed friends or family in their life to help prevent these tactics, especially with a slick talking salesman. Yes it’s TRUE, people tend to want the easy way

I am so sick of self righteous folk ridiculing and blaming others for a situation that anyone who even knows the existence of Jalopnik, knows that they can probably avoid and find an alternate resolution versus signing such a contract. BUT believe it or notnot. Some people, especially in smaller towns, isolated areas,