
Twelve is quite a number. If it were five, we’d say, “Wow! Big family!” But when it’s twelve, it has gone into the territory of, “Is he a cult member? Is this more of that quiverful bullshit?” He sounds like a dumb Duggar.

See more women in the Flight Attendant role in general so the brain takes shortcuts and just assumes.”

I have a friend who is a nurse. When people call him a male nurse, he then refers to them as their gender and occupation or situational role - “Becky, female purchasing agent”, “Mr. Johnson, male spouse of patient.”

That’s everybody though, you and me, everyone has a form of unconscious bias. Is it a bad thing? In some rare circumstances it can help keep you safe, but we know the old saying of making assumptions. As a person of color I get it. I had an older white man come up to me at our local cars and coffee and say “I’ve seen

Stick with me here... The malice isn’t in the intent, but in the ignorance of the assumption.

Shocked, NOT that there is an -R after his name. I spend a lot of time in rural MN and it is so so stuck in the 1950's. Rural MN is deep red and deep conservative. 

Came to say this. “Stewardess” isn’t a thing. What if a male flight attendant had shown up? This guy’s head would explode.

If he wants to run with stereotypes, let me just say he looks EXACTLY like I expected.

I am shocked, shocked I say, to learn that this guy is a Republican. /s