
Please don’t get a dog if you feel this way.

Darth Galactus.

Also, who are we to say that Palm Trees aren’t the universe’s best tree for beachy locations?

I always enjoyed how Star Wars contrasted the fantastical with the banal. It always felt like a deliberate extension of the used future vibe to have all the space hijinks occur in recognizable environments, even if it was just a matter of budgetary reality.

If its a choice between shoving a couple palm trees into my suspension of disbelief while watching a practically shot action sequence, or the absurdity of a CuhRAZY ALIEN CG world a’la Avatar or the Prequels (as pretty as some of them were), I’ll take the former just about every time.

Isn’t that Death Star a little too large in the picture?

You could equally be describing life with toddlers as life with pets.

Honestly, for me the only better scene Luke could’ve had in the movie was if, right after he exchanges glares with Rey, he opened his mouth and the movie immediately cut to the credits.

Sounds like he got 3 mil to keep his damn mouth shut about the movie to me.

I also hope they keep “fully operational Battle Jedi Luke” grounded like Darth Vader and the original Obi Wan were, not those cable-jumping, CGI-heavy superhero-wizards from the prequels...

Fun fact: Mark Hamill got $3 Million for that one scene. It’s good to be Luke Skywalker.

Why dogs like to lick your face...

It’s funny — I love it with one of my dogs and hate it with the other. The first one does it rarely (most of the time he just likes to press his nose to mine for a brief moment), only when we’re snuggling in bed and he’s got his head next to mine and is feeling super affectionate. And he does it very slowly and

Meh, young children come home from preschool/day care literally COVERED in viruses and bacteria that have a much higher chance of making you sick than anything you might get from your dog. Sharing your life and home with other beings entails inherent risk... I assume most people who choose to do so believe the many

Here’s an idea: don’t be a pussy and love your dog.

I know I should care but I just don’t. I love my dog kisses too much

Your dog apparently doesn’t have ready access to copious amounts of rabbit poop. That stuff is like Skittles to a dog.

This is a better explanation of one of the MANY reasons why you shouldn’t let your dog eat their own feces. Especially if you as a dog owner are at the point where its stated so matter of factly as “yeah I mean dogs eat their own poop, that’s normal”. It’s not. That’s a totally avoidable and manageable issue.

Here’s the statement I’d respect: “I don’t know what Pokemon Go is, nor do I care, but a young person in my communications dept. suggested I say something “hip” about it to get young people to vote for me.”

The guy didn’t even reach depth.