
I've been to several Dylan shows, and my experiences have been a mixed bag. There have been a few constants: The band is ALWAYS tight. Bob NEVER chats up the audience. And he NEVER looks like he's having fun.

I consider myself a fan of language, and I think we need a gender-neutral singular pronoun. "He" is just not cutting it in this modern world. Unfortunately, nothing makes me cringe more than constructions like "ze," "ter," and the like. (Well, people using "it's" and "your" incorrectly; I mean nothing that people who

This is making the rounds among Columbus production companies. I'm predicting this guy will have some work very soon.

I'd like to see an actual Google comment on this—all I can find are discussions of it. I feel confident that removing the Caps Lock was a UI choice, and the obvious forum benefits were merely an amusing way of calling attention to the feature.

@OreoExplosion: That's what this photographer was doing. He was bearing witness to the people who serve, who make sacrifices, and give their lives. Without people to tell these stories, we never get a chance at the truth, which is that the people who die in these wars are very real human beings instead of numbers.

@blyan: Isn't it obvious? The atheists don't wanna end up in heaven with all those judgmental Christian-types just 'cause they were baptized...

@AreWeThereYeti: Twice the rendering is huge. A large part of production on a feature film is managing render times, which can easily be 8 hours or more per frame (that's a 24th of a second at film speed). Doubling that is decidedly significant.

@A.Jaswal:To say that Ebert makes his money "trashing films" is a rather stunted view of his work. Ebert is first and foremost a movie fan. If you've read any of his work, it's immediately apparent that he LOVES movies, as a viewer moreso than as a scholar. He's intelligent and scholarly in his discussion to some

@someToast: Is that what it was? I thought it was Beaker from the Muppet Show being assaulted...