Puzzled Jigsaw

So the male to female Vogue cover story ratio is about 3:1 while the Elle female to male ratio (2 1/2 years, circa 30 issues) is about 4:1. Shouldn’t there be a discussion why Elle clearly discriminates against men, unlesss you claim that magazines who gear towards a certainaudience, should be also represented by a

Why? Cuz Spacey is the much bigger star, compared to Wright with a much higher draw at the box ofice and higher name recognition. His role was much more prominently featured on the show in the first two seasons. Wright’s character was developed as an equal to his character after Frank Underwood became president.

Yeah, why criticize someone for changing their views out of political convenience? Clinton was against gay marriage as of 2013, when she was 65 years old. Do you honestly believe, that she somehow had an epiphany this late in her life after decades of a clear anti-gay marriage stance? She saw the numbers and realized

Why bring it up? Cuz the people who are the most outraged are usually supporters of Hillary Clinton. Something about Matthew 7:3 comes to mind (full disclosure: I’m an agnostic).

Amazing how you are able to view a rape case in a calm and rational manner, citing specifics of the law as the reason why a female defendant received a mere slap on the wrist while the whole jezebel commentariat loses its collective shit, every time a male defendant receives less than the maximum sentence in a rape

That wasn’t the point and you know that. You want others to be bothered and second guessing their choice for presidential candidate by the actions of a few idiots who have no connection to the Sanders campaign, while you seem to be unfazed by any legitimate criticism of Hillary Clinton.

That was his defense and it WORKED, b/c she got off. ‘Affluenza’ wasn’t verbatim mentioned in the Ethan Couch plea deal as well, but it ultimately had an effect on it, just like the ‘too pretty for jail’ defense. It was argued, that the poor little pretty girl would be sexually attacked in jail, b/c of her

“6) Dislike Jewish People - check”

Does it not bother you [insert all the legitimate criticizm against Hillary Clinton over the years. From ‘super predators’ to her pivoting on gay marriage, from her private mailserver and her highly paid speeches for Goldman Sachs, to the fact that she basically called 3 women liars who accused her husband of rape and

Who is ‘you people’? The people who draw a comparison to the Owen Labrie case and note that the same people on comment boards who cried ‘patriarchy’ when commenting on the short prison sentence just shrug their shoulders and ‘nvm’ now that a boy is the victim? Just compare the average prison sentences for male vs

Next time, someone wants to give Kelly a pass b/c she’s somehow ‘different’ from the other folks at Fox news, remember this interview. She’s just a blonde version of Sean Hannity who gets her marching orders from Ailes like everyone else.

I remember that case. That was like the ‘affluenza’ defense for statutory rape cases and it worked!

Probably b/c teachers have institutional power over students which puts both side into a precarious situation with this significant power imbalance. If you’d raise age of consent to 18, that would cause all kinds of problems. Every 18 yo would be in trouble by having sex with his/her 17 1/2 yo partner.

The institutional sexual assault charge was introduced because she worked at his school.

If convicted, Aldinger could face seven years in prison

It wasn’t a genuine question. If the answer to it was publicly available a quick google search on your part would have done the trick, if not, how could I possibly know the answer?

Nice try to move the goalposts, from ‘toy doesn’t exist’ to ‘stupid toy that nobody bought anyway’. Thanks for playing though.

Brown will not be completely annihilated by their lawyers in court

I’m European myself and I agree with some of the things you’ve said, but I disagree at the notion, that Clinton is the safest bet the Democrats have in this election. You’ve mentioned all the scrutiny and vindictiveness she’s been subjected to and you are right. That’s the problem though, her past and the fact that