Puzzled Jigsaw

“They never made any toys of Killian.”

Every character other than Iron Man is a supporting character in a movie called ‘Iron Man 3', so I see nothing wrong with the plot of Ben Kingsley’s character as the fake villain and Guy Pearce’s character as the real one. I loved it, it was a great parody of the usual villain trope in Superhero movies. What’s not to

Oh well, let’s face it, Hillary isn’t a spring chicken either and she’s got a lot on her plate too: her husband, her mailserver, the Berniebros (mostly imaginative), all those big ol’ meanies from the media who stand between her and her coronation election, the patriarchy (poor, oppressed woman just can’t catch a

I never had avacado and neither have you. Misspelling avocado, now *that’s* basic.

Does that mean that Bernie Sanders can take a sneak peek too, without being bombarded with the usual buzzwords ‘sexual objects’, ‘harassment’, ‘toxic masculinity’ and such on social media? Just asking for a friend.

Yeah, I wonder Mason and Fat Joe in a room with no gun between them. Would be a completely different story.

Being TMZ’s predecessor, that’s a rather dubious compliment, isn’t it?

I hope that’s not your favorite pick-up line.

“Robert Kardashian is the kindest man I’ve ever met.”

May I introduce...

I’m pretty sure even most women view male breasts/nipples different from emale breasts/nipples, as far as sexual allure is concerned. Let’s talk again, when the numbers of male breast augmentations rivals the female ones.

My favorite soccer team has been relegated too over the weekend, just not in Turkey. I had similar feelings, but I didn’t act on them.

Simply not true. Topshop has been criticized many times before, just not in connection to the Kardashians, b/c they don’t claim to make the world a better place for women, yet pay them a few cents an hour:

That’s b/c these men are supposed to wear some sort of ‘professional uniform’ (suits of varying shades of either black, grey or blue, matching tie and shirt, black or brown shoes). Here’s what happens, when a well known man so much as strays from this concept just a little bit. He becomes a target for fashion critics,