
Btw, if I remember correctly, this Trident gum is not your best xylitol gum option. Yes, it has xylitol in it, but mixed with sorbitol or other sweeteners. The quantity of xylitol itself is not disclosed. There are gums you can find on Amazon and elsewhere that are sweetened exclusively with xylitol (usually 0.5 g per

Xylitol "starves" and kills the type of bacterium that causes cavities. The bacterium normally feeds on sugar in the mouth and by metabolizing it creates acidic waste products. The acidic environment decalcifies the tooth and allows the bacterium deeper in. Xylitol prevents that by interfering with the feeding process

Xylitol is a fairly exceptional sweetener. It is completely natural (discovered in the bark of birch trees, subsequently becoming the main sweetener in Finland during WW2). By weight, it is exactly as sweet as table sugar and interchangeable in cooking recipes. One third less calories. No aftertaste. Diabetes-safe,

Well, no fire, i'm just curious: my understanding is that the effects of DRINKING fluoridated water are at best uncertain. Fluoridated mouthwash is a different matter, of course. So just what makes you recommend the drinking?

There is some spotty info out there that lauryl sulphate (which is nowadays in almost every toothpaste) might perhaps promote receding gum line. I'd recommend finding a toothpaste without it. Sensodyne Pronamel is an option, although I prefer Squigle Tooth Builder (fewer additives and presence of xylitol). Btw, adding

This is just to keep the soap dry, rather than constantly in contact with whatever wet surface it is lying on.

I'd say that by hiring booth babes they are in fact PAYING WOMEN to be there!

I like this Casio (W800H) much more. Less toy-like look (larger LCD, more subdued face fonts/colors). $15.

Moon craters on the back. Yeah.

I wonder where the whistleblower magazine "Facta", which reportedly published everything Woodford later pointed out, got the information.

I remember this NYT article that might clarify some questions here:

Nice. Would be even better with a translucent lens. Not.

@The5thElephant: Sorry, I've got to go. My canine American wants out of the house.

Not so clever. Unless one uses shelves for decoration only.

The use of potassium bromide was first recommended by 'the aptly named Sir Charles Lowcock', who had used it for epilepsy and remarked on its welcome incidental effect as a libidinal suppressant.

@Drummertist v.3: Watching Seinfeld on my black one but it goes out once Kramer shows up.

@John H. C. Staton: You must be of some use then. Just curious: what's your field of research?

@John H. C. Staton: Makes sense. You did not pay for your ticket to Japan, did you.

@John H. C. Staton: So you are basically saying that obsession with life's beauty makes you lose at the end of the day. Sadly, you are correct. But then, what do YOU live for, sir?

But... why? Why X-rays only at the head? Any hypotheses?