
I'll start my own smartphone! With blackjack and hookers!

Hey universalamander, go be a cunt somewhere else.

I am still waiting for that free time I was supposed to get with increased productivity using automation and networked systems.

This is gross, and you should feel bad for even attempting to justify this execution.

Not necessarily. For many of us “When people think of Chick-fil-A, they think of chicken sandwiches bigotry”.

Some vegans are even trying to infect people with lone star ticks to try and get them that red meat allergy.”


For science, it’s a very helpful tool. For the rest of us, it’s hyperdisinformation.

“The scientists are actually driving decision making behind the scenes because they’re the world’s biggest customer for AI.”


You probably won’t be pleased about this, but you may have a future as a MAGA Whisperer. 

it’s crazy to say that we live in a dystopia because Jamie Chung had to work a single day in a year on Succession to keep health insurance through her union

Obamacare is not universal health care. Far from it.

America’s healthcare system is garbage.

I imagine it’s pretty dystopic if you have to declare bankruptcy and can’t afford to continue cancer treatments or some other health related nightmare.

The US needs to join civilization. Medicare for all !!!!

How shitty do you have to be as a company, to not allow people to redeem their fairly earned game time codes *after* they’ve been laid off too?
As shitty as Blizzard, apparently.

“...for anxiety, migraines, hormonal issues, insomnia, weight loss, and more.”

My assumption is that this might not be as effective as one might think and may lead to other unintended consequences.

I believe that the warmer ocean waters are the dominant factor driving the melt of the Antarctic ice sheets. Lowering the amount of incoming solar energy over Antarctica would likely lower local