
There’s literally a police station in the mall across the parking lot!

and this is exactly why capitalism as we know it will not survive.
it is parallel to the fact that libertarianism cannot survive, at some point, the shitbirds win and the rest of the people rise up and flush the toilet.
Ask Louis the 16th how well that worked out for him.

But capitalism is “greed and shitbirds taking advantage of a situation to enrich themselves at exorbitant costs to the victims”. That’s literally the entire purpose of capitalism. It’s how capitalism is designed to work.

Make it illegal for dealerships to do much of the sh*t they do.

Crime victim: in retrospect, could have done something differently

Maybe you should write your own reviews then, happywinks.

After years of voting for both parties, I vote straight ticket democrat now, and you know what? Yes, if a liberal-leaning judge is corrupt on that same staggering level? Impeach, convict, whatever. Get rid of them. 

He called out RBG every time she took millions in grifts as well.

Anyone supporting the ethnic cleansing is a psychopath and a fascist. Full stop.

Hi all - Aiden here - I did end up getting a really good deal on an 09 Fit Sport with 55k miles and it is the perfect car for me. I absolutely love it. Thanks Jalops!

They are. The Georgia case is filled with RICO charges.

What bias is that? That I would prefer the highest court in the country not be influenced by billionaires? 

Referring to Judge Thomas as a “Justice” when justice is the last thing on that stupefyingly corrupt judge’s mind. Holy hell.

Yeah, but you also say a lot of dumb shit, so are you surprised people don’t listen to you?

So what are people with a double Y chromosome? The fact that they even exist proves it’s not as simple as that.

Not sure how a possibly flawed study that showed 97% of UK women have been sexual harassed has to do with trans women, except for the fact they, as women, are part of that 97%.

How could her views on trans folks be abhorrent if a video game based on her books sold well?”

She’s a bigot. When your bigotry alienates people who used to respect you, the only people left are other bigots. The bigotry of the other bigots reinforces and intensifies your bigotry. That’s basically how racist Facebook uncles are born.

Or she is just an asshole. Hard to separate out all that 

It was me.