
The worst part is that you can literally copy & paste your comment on any Trump-related story for the next four years and you know it'll be spot on every. fucking. time.

I totally believed all of that for a giddy second. Now I'm sad.

Interesting! And super weird…

Yeah, that one threw me.

That's his SON?? Jeez, and here I was was wondering if it could be his kid brother. I didn't even know he had a son, let alone one older than, say, a toddler.

For me, it was flashbacks to "Atlanta"'s invisible car scene.

Nice catch!

Jesus Christ, remind to never move to a place where tarantulas just roam the frigging streets.

But only if they stay skinny!

Not a German thing. I've never even heard of cheese on apple pie. Technically, we don't even have "apple pie" in the first place, but German "apple cake" is, in most of its iterations, more or less the same thing - except it's usually not served warm, which is another strike against putting cheese on it.

Yeah, but he had the stick on him when he was shot, didn't he? That'd be different than actually full-on dying and having the stick try to revive you later.

On a similar note, Quentin channeling Alice in the cage talking to Julia was amazing - just some very subtle changes in how the actor held his head and focused his eyes, yet I could immediately tell I was looking at Alice.

Upvoted for ankle blankets.

Nice Josh Holloway meta shout-out: the airline site Maddie checks for flight updates on her husband's plane is Oceanic Airlines.

Aw, I like Lizzie. Especially when Rodrigo pronounces her name as "Litsie".

The hair is horrible. It's this kind of 80s kindergarten hipster cut that always looks like a 3-year-old got hold of the kitchen shears and went to town. Yesterday, I thought I'd almost gotten used to it and maybe it wasn't really that bad, but then I came across some random clips from last season and man, she looked

"That sign is one of the few things I can believe about this world."
God yes. If the show was half as well written as that sign it would be a thrillion times better than it is. The best part (besides the fact that he spelled out his full name on it) was the bit about having "several handguns & rifles of antiquity

And New Girl.

I thought it was good right off the bat, but a lot of people think it only really becomes good around episode 6. Either way, the first two seasons are glorious. TVD in its prime packed more story development and plot twists into a single episode than other shows manage in a whole season. I remember wondering just how

Very confusing. These are the people who got arrested any given day who are not poor enough for a public defender and not rich enough to have their own attorney, right? And this is strictly the first step to decide whether they'll have to stay in jail until their trial or can go home on bail? If so, yeah, I'm totally