
Idk. I worked in retail and 9 days out of 10 the ladies was in worse condition. The one exception was the time that some dude left a foot long turd for me to find. No toilet paper in the bowl either. I honestly thought he was proud and wanted to show it off.

It was. Thank you. And amen.

I imagine, (though I may be wrong), that it was exhausting to write this piece. I hope that someday it is considered as impolite as asking someones’ age or income, to presume you know, and further, can *tell* them what their racial identity is.

Elizabeth was the greatest. One of the most beautiful and successful women in the world and still a compassionate and kind person. Sure, she was totally frivolous about a lot of stuff, but she was serious about the shit that matters.

Yeah, on the one hand, it’s not great that a(nother) Black actress is being typecast, on the other, I have a bit of a hard time sympathizing with her here, since: 1. she has personally benefited from the system that encourages lightwashing and reinforces colorism. 2. most Black actresses, especially those darker than

Character actors! They look the part. What she is finding, it seems, is that she looks a part.

Except the new rule is that characters can only be played by actors who have had the exact same life experiences as the character portrays otherwise the casting is unfair...

Quirky black girl gets type-cast as quirky black girl. News at 11.

This is a complete and total aside, but her anecdote about Neil Jordan just helps to cement my love for him.

“Only I get to decide if I’m humiliated or not — why would people assume I am humiliated by my own breast, nipple or body?” she said. “I didn’t realize my boob was such a big deal — it was nothing to me.”

Honestly, the most shocking thing about this is that Madonna has fans that are 17 years old

It is fucking bullshit from Americans and other English speakers. I heard a lot of it when I was over in the US. It is unbelievable but a certain kind of chippy unpleasant person genuinely mentions this crap every 17th of March OR whenever a non-white person mentions how things were back in the day. It is a very

My mom and step dad once offered to watch this woman’s 3 kids while she went to the bathroom in an airport. She clearly had to pee like crazy and couldn’t find her husband and didn’t want to drag 3 little boys in to the ladies room. You would have thought they asked to buy them off her. Americans.

It’s weird because I’m Irish in Ireland here and certainly there have been tremendous hardships, oppression, famine, mass emigration and so on but....I have never heard what the Irish endured termed as “slavery” so I’m not sure where this comes from? Also it’s not tragedy Olympics for god’s sake, it’s stupid to try

I’m no historian, but I’m pretty sure that yes the Irish endured some terrible hardships and systemic racism here in North America. However, to state that the Irish are second only to Blacks for how bad it was for them? I’m guessing not. I would be willing to bet Native Americans (who it could be argued had it worse

The Irish in America were able to attain their "white" status by joining the police. The deal was that they would protect Anglo-Saxon wealth/theft by imprisoning, patrolling and outright murdering black Americans. Even if the Irish suffering was that bad, their turncoat behaviour is what gets me. You can't complain

As a historian I approve this clearing of the record.

Every book about Scientology is a screaming victim being ignored by authorities.

Women’s Wear Daily reports that Charney, who recently failed to convince a judge to reject his former company’s reorganization plan—American Apparel was taken private, leaving shareholders including Charney with nothing