
@avclub-ffc486b563126f258ae6dbb0d3e3d827:disqus :


"Woman" in the singular.

This comparison is mostly based on "Save Yourself" from "Epic" It reminds me of "All the Leaves are Gone", only more straight-forward.

I'm going to buy this album. That song "Serpents" is super.



I can't unsee Giancarlo Esposito in that horrifying costume.

His crotch? Yeah, I guess so.

My voice coach taught me to sing. He couldn't teach me to loveā€¦

I agree with both issues. Presumably the black and white was supposed to be hold thematic, or at least aesthetic significance, but I couldn't find it.

Sorry about the vitriol. The news of Shonna's departure must have hit me harder than I thought. "TDS" came out after "DD". That's all.

He also engineered Halcyon Digest by Deerhunter.

Your wrongness is evident. At least look up their discography on AllMusic before you pretend you know about this band.

I think Lobsters 1 is a very cute name.


Hmm. Suspicious.

No Teti on the Work of Art recaps?

Sorry I'm late. I think it's great when the other artists get involved in the critiques. That's how an academic critique would work, and it seems valuable to have more insight from your peers. The Sucklord chiming in, poorly-reasoned rant or not, only opens up the discussion more, and that's a good thing.

The NCAA just passed a ruling that a $2000 stipend, disbursed in $220 installments, can be paid to student-athletes to cover their costs not included in a full academic scholarship. So, to keep up with competing recruiters, schools will pay their football players.