
I liked My Name is Earl, but I'm not really a commenter around here.

"With each suite on its own side, there’s more a feeling of three separate but related pieces"

Based on your taste, I think you'll make the transition to 'being an obsessive FNL fan' just fine.

Harry Allen?

"Advanced Gay" (TVEPISODE)

And the big temple bells.

I don't know if it's still available, but there's a great Steeleye Span compilation of their first three records that I got for real cheap.

Unhalfbricking is awesome. "Sailor's Life" fucking shreds, and the album's mix of goofiness and earnestness is really engaging. All must agree with JBML.


What, I'm just supposed to tell the bartender to turn off the TV when I bring my kid there every night?

I ain't no holla-back Girls.

I wonder what the unpaid AV Club interns are doing right now…

Really? You could just be using some GBV album title generator.


I like everything about this post and comment thread. Or maybe it's just the mad cow disease talking.

Oi: It's pronounced "wah".


I've been googling "Robert Pollard Wichita Lineman" every day for years, and this may be as close as it gets. Innnteresting.

I sure never saw that Indonesian baby before. Thanks for that.

The first minute of the trailer looks all right, then they reach for a new audience in the 2nd minute. "We've all gone down on her…"