Baseline subjective reader response theory; authorial intent is immaterial to audience reception.
Also, sarcasm doesn't transfer well in non-auditory formats. ;)
Baseline subjective reader response theory; authorial intent is immaterial to audience reception.
Also, sarcasm doesn't transfer well in non-auditory formats. ;)
Judging a broad swathe of individuals by the actions or predilections of a section of that group is the same sort of narrow, prejudicial thinking you're implicitly taking a stance against.
So you know.
the fuck are you talking about? He mixed MORPHINE with ambien. Liquid morphine is unbelievably potent and can cause someone to not feel whats going on and not know whats going on. This comment would be similar to if they said someone sniffed cocaine and took a caffeine pill and focused on the caffeine pill
Then don't buy them!
But the bright side is that you are now the American sports journalist who was banned from the 2014 Olympics for online pics of you yanking off your knob.
I don't buy that for a second. NFL front offices are going to stop talking to Sports Illustrated because a reporter asked why a GM feels like a gay man wouldn't be accepted in the locker room, despite ample evidence to the contrary? Bullshit.
Barry — what do you think would happen if one of these reporters asked a GM, point-blank, "Look how many players, from stars to roster filler across so many teams, are publicly supporting Sam before he even joins them in the NFL. Where is the evidence that the 'locker room' would have an issue with his sexuality?"
First Down: Would Tim Tebow have responded to taunting in such a violent manner?
SHhhhhh... this is a gawker site, you aren't supposed to post while aware of the sensationalization of race issues, it seems you are overqualified to be speaking on behalf of logic.
Media loves a race story. Doesn't get any better for them.
I'm sure ESPN won't show this video at nauseum as they are really good at not over doing a story ever. Even better is the fake scripted debate by Skip Bayless and Steven A Smith on Monday already being written by those UConn interns in Bristol.
We can all agree that it was stupid for the fan to talk shit and it was really stupid for Smart to push him, but does ESPN really have to go wall to wall with it?
My prediction: Sunday - There are claims that fan called Smart the N-word. Monday: Article on how Marcus Smart is misunderstood and a hero for fighting against racism.
OK, serious question here. Why wasn't Smart arrested for battery by one of the police officers at the game?
We basically suck at almost everything except video games, social media, tattoos, binge drinking, reality TV, not working, sucking our parents dry living at home till we are in our 30's, voting, weed, texting while driving and thinking we are special.
Yeah, my biggest takeaway wasn't that Rachel did anything wrong. She seems like a kind, energetic, sweet person who worked very hard.
As a Timberwolves fan, hearing the Lakers gloat about how they're "going to have" KLove soon, this feeling has grown more & more inside me by the day.
We should be friends I'm shelton's-wine-glass. I say the same thing all the god damned time this is why Stern is the most garbage commissioner in all of pro sports. Literally since he took over he may as well have contracted the league by 23 teams. What is the point for every single small market team when the odds…