
Here Is A Dog That Looks Like Prince Fielder

Don't burst my wishful thinking! :)

Hooray! E! isn't renewing Chelsea!

I think it's probably a budget thing as well. While The Americans is pretty well-reviewed, it hasn't gotten the level of acclaim that Mad Men has (plus Weiner was famously bullish about getting a certain amount of money from AMC). Also, I don't want The Americans, but from what I've seen, a lot of it isn't filmed on

One of the little details that really stuck out to me was quite a few season ago. Don, Betty and the kids stop along the parkway for a picnic along the side of the road, when they get up to leave, they leave all the trash on the ground. Something that one wouldn't do now, but back then....no biggie.

Clearly, Cannon isn't trying to make a real big statement here, but considering making fun of white people is hisgo-to thing, the whole act is just odd and unsatisfying.

It's clear that you have zero experience owning a small business and I'm sure like most others feel that the 2 percent of the US Labor force is entitled to a wage increase. Those big mean corporations just keeping all Their profits for their greedy Republican selves

Adults want to be entitled to do whatever they want and say whatever they want with zero accountability Why is anyone surprised that kids are taking the same approach with kids?

This is a great example of athletes believing they are more important than they really are. Nobody gives a shit that he is retiring. Thanks for letting us know, but we do not care

When it's no longer "the first..."

It's not inherently different, though. Access to resources is a big part of why abortions happen. Black teenage girls have the highest rate of abortion, but they also have the least amount of access to support hypothetical children. We can't cut social programs and then get all righteous about abortions happening at

Why do people need to take things to Facebook? People are wronged every day what makes her so special? To think that this type of narcissism letting everyone know how terrible someone was to you will somehow decrease other sexism is fucking ridiculous. Stop enabling this ridiculous nonsense. Get over it. Life isn't

Why is Jezebel still running stories like these?

Hoax or not what ever happened to people following the rule "if you have nothing nice to say, stfu!" I may have misquoted that.

"I respectfully disagree"

Are we sure he didn't just stop and frisk the cop?

They were the two millionaires until Obama got to them

There is fighting in hockey. If you don't like it don't watch. I love writers who never played the fucking game of hockey make comments on it. Stick to baseball pussy!