Putin's Pet Bear

Literally no sympathy? Ha. I find it hard in my life to look at human suffering, regardless of the context, and shrugging and walking away.

lol you’re insufferable.

You need to use the right words so you can communicate a thought. You didn’t convey anything near what you meant.

cuz it’s a different movie, dipshit. God, you people are implacable.

Billy, you’re losing the ability to discern her opinions for a fascist proclamation forcing people to obey the aesthetic police again! Come back to reality, Billy.

Oh, you’re one of THOSE people who complain about every deviation from the comic book/their memory? If you haven’t caught it, human beings in the flesh are not cartoons. They cannot have the same caricature like quality (for lack of better term) that comics and drawings themselves can. You wouldn’t get the same effect

Why? Wait, don’t answer that. “Taste is entirely subjective” yes, I know. His material is infantalizing, in a variety of ways. Especially the way he treats gender, so I don’t know what the hell he’s all up on himself about. All of his stories are male nerd wish fulfillment. God, I just want to wrestle with something,

I can’t believe I live in a world where Joss Whedon is considered by so many people to be not only a good writer, but a good writer with female characters.

The Joker being like Ledger’s is different from what you assume he meant, that this Joker merely LOOKs like Ledger’s. The OP was talking about his mannerisms me thinks.

He literally gives no justification, other that than the sword and shield clash. It’s a TOY for Godssakes!

“My big concern these days is that gaming as we know it is going to be completely irrelevant for our children.”

Is it, really? Like...really? Listening to records is largely irrelevant for today’s generation. Nobody pines for the days before the 3 point line came into effect in basketball. This is different from

His only trait? Really? Get the fuck out of here. You only SEE the one trait so you can pitch a bitch fit about a gay character in “MAH VIDEO GAMEZZZ!”

You’ve never watched the BET, have you.

Reading this comment was like going to my local 24 hour Wal Mart at midnight and people watching.

Jesus Christ, this is about football. Not being a soldier during the Battle of the Buldge, or surviving Pearl Harbor. Fuck, it’s not even volunteering at a rape shelter. He was a grown man playing a boys game.

I love how he has the balls to say money doesn’t change anything. If he seriously is just as happy then as he is now, he wasn’t so impoverished as he claims.

What a distorted definition of politically correct. That sounds like Fox News came up with that one, and if it didn’t directly, it did it through cultural osmosis through your surrounding culture.


This...this is certainly a step down from watching Primier League. What’s the deal with the corner kicks? And how can a goalie be so far off the point?

What aspect of the language makes it difficult to convey meaning with a pun? That’s like reading, easy mode, from my admittedly ignorant perspective and I’d like to remedy it.