
Since a man was negatively impacted by this rape (the ex receiving photos/video) maybe the perpetuator may actually serve jail time.

Aren’t most police murders the result of a domestic dispute call perpetuated by...a white person?

Bortles looks like he’s 24 going on 42. Does living in Jacksonville considerably age a man?

+1 dotted red line

Is that like the University of Phoenix?

Yet she could destroy 99.9999% of any man who ever lived in swimming.

But you’re right. That .0000001% of male swimmers who are better makes her obsolete and this whole thing a feminist thing.

I was going to ask if we still get a Mitch Hedberg quote. Maybe we should get a Dane Cook one instead as punishment?

Or you know, just get over the whole nipple thing. Since every human has them.

I dreamed the other night that Deadspin stopped doing these posts. I’m glad I woke up. What a nightmare.

Rape: If you’re a woman, it’s your fault because you drank. If you’re a man, it’s not your fault because you drank.

Where is Deadcast? Did Peter Thiel take it?

Drew - where is Deadcast? Has Peter Thiel taken it?

Cars don’t drive people. People drive people.

1997 Bulls/Jazz Finals

I recognize that glow on their faces. They totally feel asleep while watching HGTV.

Oklahoma City Bombing. I remember hearing about how there had been a daycare in the building and kids had died. That resonates with a child.

So the Denver Broncos lost another QB this offseason?

I hope they continue this into the offseason. Somehow.

What about Clay Matthews’ luscious locks covering his nameplate. What about that???