Putin On A Ritz Cracker

Man, if only he was smart enough to take the opiate-filled drugs that are handed out like candy, he could have avoided this all

No, I’m implying both the Sterlings are horrible, awful, no-good, batshit crazy people, and they deserve each other.

Well, it’$ certainly nice that the $terlings are able to $ee eye to eye on thi$, and that true love i$ the be$t an$wer to all of life$ i$$ue$

While you’re busy taking pictures, that animal is just trying to survive

“It’s better to burn out, then to fade away”

Going for that women owned business tax credit?

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all”

This again? Fuck Manziel, he’s a filthy rich domestic abuser who has coasted through unearned privilege his entire pampered life.
He’s had every opportunity imaginable handed to him on a silver platter, and at this point it’s his own damn fault for doing the things he does.


This couldn’t go worse for them than if they announced they were turning right from now on.

Me too. As an irritating little teenage libertarian, I *loved* Trump.

Probably a sedimental favorite.

I mean, at least it's a gneiss picture.

Shouldn’t be blowing the whistle when a team is in a good position to score though.

If that game wasn’t fixed with the ref in on it. Any other explanation makes no sense

Just because I don’t really know the proper rules all that well (especially for this league)— in this situation, should the ref wait until the potential scoring play is over to blow the whistle? Or are they supposed to blow the whistle at a specific time no matter what?

The Diaz brothers are honest assholes (i.e. they don’t know any better).

McGregor is the Donald Trump of the UFC. He’s a showman who knows how to play the game.

There is a vast difference between assholes who are just assholes and someone playing at being an asshole. I don’t find fault with the former, I bristle at the

Perhaps he shouldn't have been hot taking about Israel and Palestine on Twitter.

Lol, nice burn.

The rest of the world doesn’t believe in faux-Puritanism you pearl-clutching fuck.