Putin is not my Papi

I’m going to nitpick here and say that, for future reference, you’ll want to use nitpicking or perhaps nit-picking.

As others have noted below, those publicity shots are awful. Firstly, because most people assume what you’re showing is before/after, not after/before. But secondly, because I have watched the Godfather on a few mediums - VHS, Laserdisc, DVD, Blu Ray - and have never seen it presented the way it is shown in those

Yeah, these look like someone put them in Photoshop and deliberately boosted the shadows to the point of washout. 

Pretty deceptive frames, the 2008 “Coppola Restoration” did NOT give you milky grey frames with the brightness super boosted. Go back and look at the frame grabs in 2008 reviews, they sure as hell didn’t look like this. That shot of Brando in the study? Give me a break. Someone is purposely trying to make the transfer

Taste should always be top priority. Just as Red Delicious apples. Blech.

She knew, but that isn’t the point, is it? But didn’t know it the way we see it now. It isn’t her fault, and she believed these were actresses who flung themselves at him and twisted it in her head. Harvey is a force of nature, and she did love him. Hard as that is to believe, it is true. He pursued her hard and

You realize I was being sarcastic right?

Haha that’s exactly what I was trying to convey!

With enough time...everything is hilarious.

“Hey grandpa! Remember that one time you got a stroke on the glass walk?!”

“Banana Banana Banana, Poop!”

“Hahahahaha, classic grandpa!”

This would last about 10 minutes in the US before they were sued for something like emotional distress.

Awww, but Sloth had a good heart.

I thought Matt Damon was one of the good guys. 😢. I HOPE YOUR MOM IS DISSAPOINTED IN YOU MATT! YOUR DAUGHTERS & WIFE TOO.

Oh my. That wonderful ally Matt Damon was involved in covering up for Weinstein? NO! Who would’ve thought it?!? /s

Any chance we will ever get the name of the pedophile Feldman, Radcliff & Haim alluded to?

Weinstein’s comeback will start off as the Token Liberal on a Fox News show.

Thin skin is becoming epidemic since the election of Cheeto Benito***

even with the new face

Megyn Kelly explained that men in power should not “hit on” their subordinates, adding, “Men perceive laughter as a yes.”

I can’t anymore with the news today.

...didn't take into account the distinction between forced and voluntarily chosen marriage, so it's possible that the ill effects researchers found are more related to coercion than to age.