
“Whatever the market will bare.”

I’ll take this with a huge grain of salt. Nobody inside of Mazda has been able to agree upon or get their stories straight about the rotary for at least 15 years or more. What we do know is that the NC MX-5 shared a lot of underpinnings with the RX-8 platform. Sway bars, camber arms, and a lot of the suspension and

The suspension upgrades are pretty welcome. AP is easy enough to do and the 2.4l seems to respond VERY favorably to tuning. Wish my 18 had the 2.4, not the 2.0. Maybe in a few years if they are still making the damn things ill upgrade to one (hopefully minus the plastic, which while it doesnt look awful... doesnt

Fascist.  Not communist.  Think of Hitler.  The comparison is valid. 

Ever driven a DIY EV with a manual? It’s the most unsatisfying boring gear change you can imagine. There’s no real change in power or sound. The motor RPM just drops so you don’t explode your old brushed warp 9 motor.

Even though I knew it was May, I had to check it wasn’t April 1st!

I don’t think they even need to tell anyone at this point lol.

Well from what I have heard from Matt Farrah, and seemingly a lot of journalists but i am referencing him specifically, EVERYONE just needs to copy what Hyundai did with the Ioniq N which he has raved about. So much so IIRC he said Porsche needs to take a hard look at it.

This is a patent application. GM is famous for having engineers come up with goofy ideas and they patent the idea just in case someone finds a use for it.

Tesla was never going to build 20 million cars a year.  People who believed that were delusional.  Years ago I would frequent the Tesla Owners Forum and the members there talked about it as if it was an inevitability.  Any voice of reason there (mine) would get ridiculed or worse.  

My personal take is that while the Yaris is cool, I don’t understand why people are still so obsessed with them considering you can buy a new Corolla with the same engine and AWD system. And also you can drive it on public roads. 

Despite GM CEO Mary Barry

At some point, our efforts to increase helmet use produce such tiny marginal gains that it doesn’t really make sense to keep trying. Some percentage of these no-helmet folks simply will *not* listen. They know it’s pointlessly dangerous, and that is kind of the point for them.

Because Americans are so good at obeying laws.

Don’t. Let them weed themselves out.

Rock may have flown the Confederate flag at his shows for years, but apparently sticking one on the Cybertruck would be a bridge too far.

My favorite Confederate flag trivia is that it was never even the flag of The Confederacy.

That’s the part that gets me with that traitorous rag...it’s literally the symbol of traitors. Full stop.

Just this one is fine. The rest are still gay, unfortunately. 

I love how right wing pop culture works. Take a silver spoon kid from a tawny Detroit suburb, then dirty him up and redneck him out and the MAGA crowd loves him. Bonus points for saying tasteless and outrageous things. That demographics’ entire existence is about living in a bubble and echo chamber, they can only