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I believe this is the clip you’re referring to. Senna deftly dancing an NSX around Suzuka in loafers:

I’ll always hate the decision the remove the instrument cluster on the dash in the name of “progress” but I’ll be damned if I don’t wear a grin every time I floor it.

I rented a Model 3 over Christmas 2022, it was terrible, absolutely terrible. The auto pilot was frequently confused about what to do, once giving up when the light turned yellow while we were still in the middle of an intersection and once tried to drive us right into a crash barrier at an exit ramp. The display was

Honestly, seems like a reasonable price given its prior ownership. There can only be one NSX owned and driven by one of the most crucial sources of its development.

Does it come with Loafers and a Rad set of Sunglasses?

Yup, that car will sell for a lot more than the asking price.

I don’t even know how the word “woke” means anything to anyone anymore.  It’s just become a political catch all for a belief that a person or group of people have that another person doesn’t like.

100% agreed. I am a political lefty actively pursuing adding an EV to the garage, and will not buy or lease a tesla. Although they are the most price competitive, the biggest reason we won’t get one is Elon’s downfall into being a rightwing edgelord chad.

A huge difference in your analogy is the price of the product.

A lot of people just prefer watching videos. No one’s saying it’s the best or only option out there, just that it’s a new one.

So wouldn’t this total cost to own assume it depreciates to zero then? I mean a 6 year old Tahoe with 15k/year of driving is still going to be worth $20k at least. IMO though not taking depreciation into account is a good idea for long-term cars because then anything you get back when you trade/sell it is a positive.

There are also plenty of resources out there that aren’t YouTube channels.

What does the YouTube channel do that Edmunds TCO doesn’t do?

Sort of off-topic, but has “Go Woke, Go Broke” ever worked in real life?

Does this analysis include depreciation? If not, it should. That is a huge part of the math especially when considering luxury vehicles, or EVs.

Elon is a fucking POS and you shouldn’t give him any of your hard earned money.

Which is why I brought up Supercharger access. I’ve talked to so many people who felt like Tesla was their only option because of the charging network. Once the dam broke there, suddenly anyone who wants an EV gets the biggest benefit of owning a Tesla without having to buy a Tesla.

Surveys / polls.

That’s definitely one of the reasons, but the other reason is probably that their cars are now 6+ years old and fucking old now interior or exterior wise.

I would not call this dumb. If you are on the clock and you damage property, your employer should be on the hook for that damage. That it happened to be the employee’s own personal property should be neither here nor there, *provided they did not inflict the damage intentionally*. Obviously, if you intentionally drive