
When is the last time static electricity - and not something more obvious - been the cause of a fire at a gas station? Getting in and out of the car might be bad for other reasons (like not properly monitoring the pump) but static electricity seems like an old wives’ tale, considering you’re touching the car (and

To add to this, Subaru dealers practically everywhere are having trouble selling the new WRXs. Find the right dealer and you can buy one for close to invoice. You’ll have money left over for winter wheels and tires, and a couple grand of spending money.

$45000 for 2 cars? Why? In this market, that’ll get you 2 high mileage beaters. Used car prices are still high, and most aren’t worth the asking price. So IMO, it makes a lot more sense to buy new for now than to buy used.

It’s a range bro. Shit isn’t black and white.

Knee cutter bumpers are pretty obviously not safe (since it literally breaks your knees upon impact)

You mean that there’s only a range of height that’s safe for pedestrians and either direction mentioned doesn’t go up to infinity???

Or perhaps the police were *wrong* in what they reported, but they’re sticking with it because it’s the “evidence” they have, in spite of reality. Wouldn’t be the first time, and won’t be the last.

Agreed, even if the cars were capable, I highly doubt either of them hit those speeds in reality. 

Florida, so somehow and very soon their school and school teachers will be blamed for this.

I mean, the Starion/Conquest remains a staple of the Rad era. It’s true you don’t see them much any more but that’s more because they’re apparently a PITA to keep running.

Two years of absolute idiots lining up to pay over sticker.

Editorial decision not made by me.

My honorable mention: second-gen (or even first-gen) Mazda MX-6 and Ford Probe. Preferably in LS and GT (2.5L V-6) trim, with the five-speed.

Honorable mention: Starion. it was actually going to be the one to compete in Group B Rally I believe, but never got the chance, and the Lancer Evo took it’s place for Group A...now I want one

Cool, you can reuse that list for the “worst coupes ever made” list, just remove the ATS and Scirocco.

So literally the gauges on any 90s economy car

I’ll be honest, it looked better in the car. I mostly appreciated the warm colors and clean layout without doing anything too bright and garish that interfered with your night vision.

The Lamborghini Reventón’s fighter-jet gauges are the coolest things I've ever seen. I wonder how practical they are in real-world driving, but seeing them in action is pure sci-fi and one of the most unique expressions of LCD gauge face design.

I’m gonna say the saab 9=3 because it had fighter jet mode

The 7G Celica, especially the GT-S with that high redline had the right mix of color, dials and gauges right where you could read them. Some might say it should have had the RPM in the middle with the speedo to the side, but in a $20k little coupe, it just worked and the colors were great at night.