
AI Enhancement is so good now a days.

Guessing the “thousands” of colors are already defined. And Some of those are going to be very close.

For the money they will probably charge, you might be able to pay someone to strip the entire car and repaint it.

Yup, and there are big brake kits available for track duty, if that’s your thing.

was blown away about how much better the 135 felt around the short track, closer to the Subies I used to track than those terrible FWD-based halidex AWD systems of yore that we all love to trash.

why this hasn’t been a common thing in the industry by now is a travesty.

Funny story, the town my mom lives in was dissolved over corruption, and out of spike, the out-going leadership repossessed the speed bumps. They were those rubber kind that bolted to the asphalt, and city workers came out one day and yanked them out.

The M3P is plenty enough for street driving and auto cross. Which is mainly what it was designed for.

Mythbusters started taking parts off I believe a Nissan to see how much faster they could make it, the gains from weight loss far exceed any aero reduction.

pushed the Camaro to nearly 90 mph when it left the center lane of the interstate and crashed into a guardrail.

Given the 900 miles on the car, I doubt the owner was all that knowledgeable about the car’s capabilities, seeing as he probably never actually pulled it to redline.

He’ll get more money than the car was worth.

to have in your hands a six year old car with

Is there anything fun you can do with a wrecked Tesla yet? I saw people taking hack saws to them to “add lightness” for drag racing, but theirs a tradeoff between weight savings and compromised aero that make the gains marginal.

I mean, you’re absolutely correct about how fans will react. I’m kind of surprised they even bothered.

I enjoy these kinds of articles.

Sometimes words just mean the same thing. It seems like there’s a subset of people who are uncomfortable with the idea that words can be synonyms, so they manufacture a distinction between the two. The reason we have synonyms is because it’s annoying to hear the same word repeated constantly.

The C8 is amazing, and the best value supercar you can buy

I voted ND specifically because of the seat belts.

Yes, but their scientists have concluded that the cause is a lack of CO2 in the atmosphere.