
Additionally most men are already used to "no" as life is a numbers game. I think getting this shit text would put a man over the edge. He'd either go home and cry it out or follow your ass to the parking lot. I don't see this as good advice to give women at all.

Seriously, what is this passive aggressive shit? I mean fine use it but a "No thanks." affirms my lack of interest. I don't need anyone to do it for me, that's what feminism is. Me handling my own shit.

Ah, yes. The separate jets tradition. I know that one.

Good argument. You're a genius.

Ok well good luck changing the modern world. I know, I'm tired of hearing the word "ginormous".

So the last graduation you attended was in 1954?

But they are doing it regardless. My point.

Sure because all the other people playing candy crush, texting, and taking selfies are more dignified than a hungry child being fed in the manner that NATURE INTENDED.

Ah men calling women hoes. My day isn't complete without experiencing it in my own culture.

Funny, I grew up shooting. Learn to load a clip and shoot at 8 years old and somehow I manage not to have a gun on me ever when I need it. I wasn't in the U.S when my attack occurred either.

For me personally 80% of the time masturbation is more fun than sex with a man, yes.

A woman can make herself cum from non inner vaginal stimulation. Men don't necessarily all know how to make that happen. Sometimes it's just easier and safer to take care of my own needs.

It's not the same.

My condolences to you. And yes, fuck everyone here that says any of that. The only solution is to start raising men that respect women as equals FULL FUCKING STOP!

But my point is that since you are not a rapist (fingers crossed) your advice is inconsistent with what a man experienced in attacking women would feel and how he would react as he has surely been kicked in the balls before. I was told that this is literally the worst advice to give a woman by a self defense

As a woman that was attacked by a rapist I don't need your mansplaining. I know what it's like to fight for my life and have been to counseling and have learned from both experience and instructors that serial rapists have A. Been known to expect a kick in the groin and will catch your leg in the air, throw you on the

Is this English? Don't can't learn? It's called raising boys in a society that respects women.

Nut shots only piss them off more. Try gouging out the eyes of a moving target that is punching you in the face with 7x's more force that you are capable of. You are living in a fantasy world and I hope you never learn what it's like to defend your pussy from unwelcome entry.

Some of the comments here make me so angry. I was also jumped by a rapist on a beach and yeah I had self defense skills and fought back. Doesn't mean the guy with 90 lbs on me and raping experience didn't have the upper hand. He almost broke my fucking neck and my escape was only possible by my biting of his tongue