
Avec plasir!

What would we do without him?

Who the fuck is that in that picture?

As do you. Put the lotion in the basket.

None of them are being eaten. They are skinned alive. They even abuse angora rabbits which molt. They literally don't have to hurt them but they do. Undercover investigations at a Chinese angora farm reveal that the fur can be plucked from live rabbits, inflicting suffering as the rabbit screams in pain, and causing

Hurricane, canoe, and so on. Just backing you up here.

This animal was skinned alive and is still alive in this photograph as it is holding it's head up. From what I understand as a meat eater my animals are humanely killed and federal regulation prevents their torture before they reach my plate. Reality check.

My Filipeno coworker that sits an inch away from me told me that!

"I know" As in my friends and family.


I don't live there anymore. And, "Hi kettle, I'm pot." Not everyone in Florida is racist. Miami is in Florida and people like myself when I lived there involve themselves in politics and actively support changing laws and politicians that promote these laws that hurt the minority. I, in fact am a person of color. Nice

Well then wunderbar!

Surely you know I'm posting in jest.

It's just a personal choice. You can take it or leave it.

We are taking over, putos!

Yup I do but that's the other luxury option that doesn't have direct ties to hair stuffed seats. I also don't own either brand, just relating an observation.


OMG Eye of the Tiger! That's awesome! Only more awesome if followed by 'THE FINAL COUNTDOWN!" and a magic performance.