
I feel the same way. I also wonder (hope) if they chose a young attractive woman so she could play a kind of former Fox blonde type character?

I can agree with you on some of this, but I can picture her as a severe, tightly wound Serena Joy. I think this can work.

This better not awaken anything in me . . .

Especially when the kerning in ‘Future Leader’ is so mad that I can’t read it as anything but Fut Ure Lea Der.

People always seem to say this about pregnant women....

The HD factor can not be underestimated.


Alicia Keys can get away without makeup because, well, she’s really attractive.

I actually think “Born Leader” is better and more flattering than “Future Leader.”

Ugh. At least it’s not “Ghostbuster’s girlfriend”.

Some say these two cancel each other out. So perhaps we are at ⬛1.

Is it just me or does the beading on her gloves look like icing with sprinkles stuck to it? Like she was decorating a cake in the buff with really long latex gloves and someone was like SURPRISE I GOT A CAMERA and she had to cover herself with her icing and sprinkle-covered gloves?

Also my thoughts.

Chy looks great, fuck the haterz. Also, you could make the argument that the Kardashians have been scamming from black women the entire time so.......really, this is full circle.

I’m loving the Venus of Willendorf vibes.

That’s fair and I’m sorry

I’m not super plugged-in to the bleeding edge of pop, but prior to this article I had no idea who Teyana Taylor was.

The man is nothing but an albatross.
