
Hope isn’t being suspended or released because of the Sweden comment. Rather, she’s being released because she’s been given slaps on the wrist over and over again because, up to this point, she was valuable to U.S. Soccer. But she is no longer the goalie she once was.

I don’t like when they go on DWTS because I think it’s below them, that show is for has-been and have not been.

It drives me nuts when Olympic gymnasts and ice skaters go on Dancing on the Stars. Their specialties involve rhythm and dance, plus they almost always win or go really far because they have an unfair advantage.

We truly were spoiled with Kim v Taylor + Tom v The World.

The people who were praising Mohammed Ali months ago that are angry at Kap are killing me. (Chris Meloni, I am looking at you.) I don’t like everything my kids or husband does (do?), but that doesn’t mean I should just give up on them and walk away. It means I want them to be better people and I can help them be

I would probably show Usain Bolt my tits if I got to wear a gold medal for a little while.

The Colin Kaepernick outrage is driving me fucking bananas.

I have really conflicted feelings about this because, on the one hand, fuck Nate Parker but on the other Nat Turner’s story is so important. There is obviously a part of me that wants this movie to fail because we shouldn’t support rapists but there’s also a part of me that wants this movie to succeed because maybe if

because no white fathers do that.

I don’t get “the flag represents the people who died for our freedoms.” Yeah, those people died for white people’s freedoms. Take a look at how black WWII vets were treated, take a look at what “freedoms” they protected all the through the 60s. Take a look at how GI bills only gave benefits to white soldiers. Take a

I know many former service men and women who would respect what he’s doing. Just because you serve your country doesn’t mean you go in for all that sensationalized and superficial patriotism.

This is also another one of those situations where a person will be chastised for not respecting “the country and troops, who gave them freedom.” Because suddenly expression and protest aren’t among those freedoms.

Yah but in Black-ish it feels more like a feature, not something they stumble on and badly handle all the time.

I stopped caring about this show after Season 2. Black-ish all there is, until Insecure comes out.

This is show has gotten to be beyond corny. I’m not even sure who they are targeting with this nonsense. I liked the first season and I could already detect the mountains of Velveeta present but I live for Taraji so I continued on into season 2. This trailer is doing nothing to lure me back. Monique should be happy

It will just be Hilary constantly saying “I’d like to give my time to Mr. Trump to continue what he was just saying.”

In my opinion, she is underrated as a comedic actress. She had great timing. I particularly love her in Some Like It Hot.

What symptoms are these idiots saying she’s showing? Acute DoubleXCromosomeitis?

Seasonal allergies were created by the government in the 60s to attack hippies, the so-called ‘flower children’

As an internet doctor, I think Dr. Drew is suffering from some kind of mental instability of his own.