Calling them the Alt-right makes them sound like some sort of folk/punk genre
Calling them the Alt-right makes them sound like some sort of folk/punk genre
It is really clear. She was soooo dumb to point out the tax thing because she is admitting that she will have it for herself at the end. Depp made a good move and she could have stayed quiet and suck it up but she is so dumb.
It's just so bizarre they would try to discredit his involvement with these charities. WHO would green-light her statement?? You're right though I'm sure we will hear TONS more from these 2, although I wish she would just slink away with her new billionaire boyfriend and he would retreat back to France or wherever his…
I bet a sharp lawyer could argue he didn’t pay the settlement, and he could end up paying twice- technically, he still hasn’t paid her per the court order. I can't owe my friend money and just give it to the food bank instead.
Why does anyone think that Lotche is gonna go the Brazil to face these charges and It’s not like the US is gonna extradite him. He’s staying put.
Johnny Depp is an asshole but from what I’ve heard he is extremely charitable. I believe he has worked with the make a wish foundation rather extensively in addition to CHLA. And I thought the ACLU as well but that would require googling to fact check and I’m not that concerned. Bottom line is he has been very VERY…
It’s really unusual for a honest, decent person to marry another honest decent person, I guess.
I do not blame you. It could be kind of fun too in a, ‘shut up or i’ll make you shut up’ way.
Kinda feeling like Amber’s lawyers weren’t so great.
I would still let him climb into me. Wrapped of course. Unless he's on PrEP.
I’m not sure he thought about it (or anything) much at all, but his lawyers definitely did which helps to explain why they jumped at that settlement.
Yes, I would say so. Unless she didn’t claim it. But at the same time, I really don’t think the settlement was contingent on her donating the money. So, in that case, this doesn’t really seem fair because technically it should be her money to donate, not his. This strikes me as odd and I’m not sure how this can count…
he was doing a standard retard, waving his arms and sounding stupid
It’s rare that Ann Coulter makes me gasp, but this came pretty close.
well thank god he wasnt directing his ignorance at just one person, but millions.
Yeah, I was going to add that this article left out an important date:
I think Lainey at LaineyGossip nailed it
How did this happen to Leslie Jones?
You had me at “Jenny Slade, Nick Kroll and Adam Scott”. That’s a fierce comedy threesome!!
I spend a lot of time thinking about Jason Mantzoukis period.