Yeah, weird that a lot of women wouldn’t feel sympathy with a 30-years younger trophy wife.
“Learned some valuable lessons”
What blows my mind here is that if this idiot had just said “I got too drunk and peed in a gas station, guys. Sorry – but look how ripped I am!” it would have been over. Because Ryan Lochte is rich, white, attractive, and talented.
It’s fine to feel sorry for her. I think she’s just your average social climber, and she never expected to be in the national spotlight like this where people are paid money to actually check the things you say.
One thing’s sure, whoever her legal representation was is probably going to get sued by Trump.
I understand that small part... until I remember that she is a fully functioning adult who has thrown her lot in with the worst of the worst. And then I say, ‘Fuck this bitch’. Melania can suck my ass.
C’mon, tell me you didn’t weep when she talked about growing up black and all the struggles she had to go through to get to where she is today, much less her story of raising two beautiful, intelligent, strong young women under the pressure of living in the White House.
I think you may be giving her too much credit to think she’s just a good-hearted country girl who got corrupted by the wickedness of Donald Trump.
A very, very small part of me wants to feel bad for this woman. Fortunately that part is scared shitless of the rest of me so...
Jeez... you lie under oath one time - ONE TIME - and all of a sudden, everyone's all "Perjury this!" and "Suborning that!"
Ellie, which item on the aging pyramid worries you the most? I’ve lost sleep over my skin’s lack of receptivity.
We already have the Buffy the Vampire movie we deserve.
Does this mean we won’t get a remake of The Ten Commandments starring Channing Tatum as Moses?
Word to the wise: Do not, I repeat, do not remake anything that starred Charlton Heston. It was a classic because he was in it, and probably no other reason. Seriously.
In italian, it’s Yeti Bacheloretti. Which is also my new drag name.
This is one of the big reasons that inequality has grown so much. American workers are (though a mix of technology and “culture”) more and more productive each year, earning companies more and more money, but their pay rate has not increased to match these improvements in productivity, so the money moves to the top.…
It’s amazing when you really think about. 1/15 may be a manageable hit or not even noticeable to someone at the top, but that could mean the difference between maintaining their quality of life and complete financial ruin to those at the bottom.
Big deal.