
Oh I think that’s a hole in one. Yeti Bachelorette Party it is!

this is their 2013 christmas card:

I was scanning the comments to see if anyone wrote this before I did. Bravo!!

Yes! People are getting sidetracked by the intersex controversy but even if you think Caster shouldn’t compete, it’s rude as hell. What happened to sportsmanship?

Generally brands get away with this by giving Who's free product with no obligation to actually sell it. The Kardashian's wouldn't be doing that, though. It'd be stacks of cash or nothing.

My understanding is they have a rotating roster of about 200, like a K-Pop group.

It’s singled out because we classify track events by sex, in a similar way that boxers are classified by weight. It is in the spirit of fairness. If men and women were to compete together in track events, extremely few or no women would qualify.

Thank you. I dont get why feminst ignore biology and facts to pretend women can realistically compete aganist men in sports.

Get a grip. Ledecky completely obliterated her world record times at these Olympics in the 400 and 800m freestyle. Had she raced in the men’s 400m, her world record time would have been almost 7 seconds behind the 8th place finisher. And while there wasn’t a men’s 800m this year for comparison, Ledecky is the world

I mean...how many people look at posts such as the one above of Kylie (possibly wearing something from her collaboration with Puma?) and not know that they’re sponsored content? Does Kendall really need to tag her Estee Lauder stuff with #ad? How different is this from a model posting a shot from a print ad campaign?

I really don’t know how to answer that question. In one way it’s unfair for semanya not to be able to do something she loves but at the same time it’s unfair for all the other female athletes with XX chromosomes. Semanya even has internal testes making this even more complex.

Fucking of course they are. I doubt they eat or wear anything without being paid for it. They’re Kardashians.

Ledecky’s a transcendent, generational talent. But her WR time in the 400 M freestyle would’ve placed her 43rd in the men’s 400 (heats).

Competition should be fair though. It's why steroids, hgh, and all types of cheating aren't allowed. Not saying semanya is a cheater but she's got an unfair advantage against those women.

She lost to five racers but only seems to blame her failure on the one that's different? What is she, Abigail Fisher?

She very well might. But she could never beat Michael Phelps or other top make swimmers.

Yes I am aware... I had several rounds of IVF and had to give blood every two days for my hormone levels to be scrutinized; which is why I know that you can’t dismiss the powerful effects that hormones (and not just testosterone) have on the body.

The issue here is that Semenya’s testosterone levels are beyond that 10 nmol/L...which is already significantly beyond what the “average” woman’s levels are, even a woman with PCOS. Semenya also had internal testes and was (if I remember correctly) XY. She was raised female based on her external genitalia. Her

Fuck making a podium. Women would never get to play.

I’m not sure how you could possibly think that, unless you’re willfully ignoring things. Two mins of googling produces this: