
What. No. There are clear differences in performances between the genders. A woman would never get on the medal stand. Ever. (Excluding events such as shooting, equestrian, surfing, etc- more skill based than pure strength). While age differences may hinder the athletes in terms of performance, the difference in

I’ll say to her what I say at orgies, just because you finish sixth is no reason for crying about it.

Taking Caster out doesn’t get you a medal, but thanks for being a sore loser, Lynz.

Lord, yes. All of this. I mean, Bette has been a champion of rights for literally her whole career, I don’t think she suddenly decided trans people don’t count in that championing.

She’s been around for a long time and people who’ve grown up with her have a lot of affection for her because she’s been part of the background of our lives as we’ve aged, and much like Cher, she’s funny, self deprecating, gave good talk show appearances, if your knowledge of Bette Midler is limited to chick flicks

She was making a show-biz joke about how the members of Kardashian empire will do anything to be on and stay on TV. It fell flat b/c Caitlyn didn’t transition in order to get a show. But still Bette, assumed people would know where she was coming from. She’s not anti-trans, she’s anti-no-talent reality whores.

She’s a talented singer and showman, in addition to being a pretty okay comedy actress. Her appeal is that she has talent to back up her celebrity, which is a lot more than Caitlyn Jenner can say.

Yes, a person is less because they weren't born with those abilities.

How many medals have you won.

She used to do raunchy comedy in gay bathhouses before she went big. I think she’s always been a comedian, but had that overshadowed with some of the drama she’s done (The Rose, Beaches) from time to time. But still primarily a comedian (e.g. The First Wives Club, The Stepford Wives).

The problem is that the people she’s tweeting about make their living from making their personal lives our business.

Is it possible to say something about one trans person without it equating to saying it about all trans people?

I cannot stand Caitlyn Jenner, but Bette hunny just....no.

5'6" and 125# is not tall and lanky. Not even for a sprinter. Just like anything else, it stands to reason there are shorter and taller sprinters that are successful, but taller means a greater stride length. Since you can generally max out your stride frequency fairly fast, increasing your stride length becomes more

I don’t know why this bothers me, but you’re just flat out wrong about her height. 5'6 is about average for an elite female sprinter, with those above 5'9 and under 5'3 being the anomalous ones.

I’ve loved this Olympic team. All the women have been amazing, from Felix to English Gardner’s bulging eyeballs.

Why? People have different religions, if they aren’t talking bad about anyone else, it shouldn’t matter.

U dumb

I urge y’all to write a story about Claressa Shields. She just won gold in boxing for the second time in a row and it wasn’t even close. She’s from Flint, Michigan. She was disappointed she get more attention/endorsements after the last Olympics and thinks it was because she doesn’t fit the “pretty” image of other