
dunno that anyone who has enriched themselves on the freakish way society views sex between black men and white women can actually themselves a feminist tho

This is part of why my brain gets all tangled up when I see people on Jezebel upholding Kim as some feminist icon. Look at how she has tweaked her body from head to toe to meet every single criteria of modern beauty in the western world (while still proclaiming body confidence for all ladies.) Look at how she competes

She follows her husband’s orders. He tells her what to wear. What lead you to think she was a feminist?

She sees the label of feminist as hurting her brand name. It’s pretty much just that. ‘Feminist’ sounds bad for someone who wants to market their body the way she does.

god that quote is depressing. i’m nodding along and then get to the point about saying sorry and YIKES.

This is everything...I think we can shut this thread down now; we’ve peaked.

How could you miss out Lin and the Rock singing ‘Gaston’ with expert posing by the Rock. For shame Evans!

Lin-Manuel Miranda and The Rock singing ‘Gaston’ is the perfection intersection of things I enjoy and would like more of...

I can’t believe he told her she should have drowned in the pool and no one is really talking about that. It’s abuse.

Shane Tusup is a former American swimmer

It makes me happy every time I see it (and makes me get “JAP Rap” stuck in my head again). Crazy Ex-Girlfriend FTW.

It might be equally unlikely that he would have been president without her. They support each other’s ambitions and like most couples, drive each other’s destinies.

The incident described: him berating her viciously then turning tender to bring her back, is the exact dynamic that makes abuse so dangerous and SO hard to leave. They go hand in hand.

NBC needs to Sheket bevaka sha

Men who throw/hit/kick things when they’re angry scare the shit out of me. All I can imagine is being alone in a room with someone like that, and how I would feel if they lost their temper.

I have been counting down the days til this and she beats me. I want to watch with her. She sounds fun.

But isn’t she legally married to an American citizen now? Even if it might have started as a Green Card marriage in the beginning (who knows? Why else marry the Orange Devil?), does that really matter now, after 18 years? I’m genuinely curious.

Sorry if I am a little loose with “model,” but that’s because generally people do not conflate fashion models and nude models. The women represented by Elite are not the women one sees in Penthouse. When Trump is bragging about his wife Melania being a formerly wildly successful model, he isn’t talking about the

A lot of industries that can’t find American workers can’t find them because they pay an unlivable wage.