
You know what’s funny? How all of a sudden women feel perfectly safe when they don’t want to wait in line for the women’s restroom and have no problem cutting in front of men to use theirs. I see this all the time (yes, at bars). Can we please be honest for once...? This isn’t about feeling safe, this is about proving

Literally, nobody is preventing him from peeing. Whether he thinks he is a female or not is irrelevant, he has a penis and I guarantee you he knows how to use it to pee. Oh and guess what, if he really wants to sit down, male bathrooms have toilets too. Problem solved. Relax, his kidneys aren't going to burst.

I’m not surprised. Taylor Swift and her girl squad seems like more like a collection of photo ops with many pretty famous white girls. She accumulates names like a stamp collector and name recognition and not for relationship purposes.

I think you’ve got it.

Wow, she has actually had a lot done.

swift only gives photos the paps want when she’s with a fake boyfriend.

That sideways walk is sups creepy

I, for one, love the Tay hating. She's obnoxious and needs to go away.

If she only pursued attention when performing or marketing her music, you would have a point. She doesn’t. She is constantly pursuing attention. Her fans know literally everything about her life by design.

While I’m sure that having a zillion cameras all up in your face every single day, snapping their shutters like so many cicadas beating their wings must be a very bad way to live

They’re being “professional” in order to get by without creating more friction that may hurt their careers later. It’s not earnest- just one of many obligations. Actors always praise their costars and directors publicly with a stock set of compliments. When they don’t the consequences are huge.

Didn’t will Smith just come out and say he didn’t like him? I’m on my phone or I’d find the article. I think it was on a gawker site. I might be wrong, but I think things like that are where the hate comes from.

recent? Jared Leto has been insufferable FOREVER.

Seems to me they euthanized the wrong goddamn animal >:(

To all the people saying what a waste... She clearly thought of herself as a martyr (take a look at her other videos). She also taught her son that every interaction with police will be a life and death situation simply because she felt the need to escalate it to that level each time. She was delusional and this was a

If she was unarmed, then I will gladly eat my words, but otherwise, I have to side with the cops on this one. Pointing a firearm directly at the cops and threatening to kill them really puts them in a no-win situation, and justifies deadly force. The fact that they engaged in a 7 hour standoff, rather than shooting

They met prior to Reshad being drafted into the NFL, so Darnell strongly felt like she deserved more and finally got the ring.

the thing I don’t get is how it seems like most of these women are so fearful of their man cheating, or not “following through” with marrying them. like, what? I mean, yes I understand being with someone who has money and influence is something a lot of people desire, but I just couldn't be bother to be constantly

I feel like those last three sets of side-by-side pics are supposed to be different people, but I am not so sure. This is a weird game you’re playing.

Is there a beauty goal to LOOK like a Real Doll (or Kardashian - same) that y’all aren’t sharing?