
As much as I find the Dylann Roofs of this world reprehensible people not worthy of rights or freedoms, I cannot in any conscience support the concept of my government taking a life as punishment. The blood of Roof’s victims are on his hands. We do not need his blood on ours.

If this isn’t the law writ as an Escher drawing I don’t know what is.

You’ll pay much much more to house him on death row and see his appeals through the bitter end than if he was locked up and forgotten in the SuperMax facility in Colorado.

I oppose the death penalty only because I worry about innocent people being executed. It annoys me that guys like Roof have no problem taking other people’s lives while being concerned for their own. He wants to live but didnt care that his victims wanted to live also.

Not only are they not wrong, I hope they succeed in outlawing the death penalty because it’ll wring some amount of good out of this white supremacist shithead’s existence.

Please don’t let his be the name on this inevitable milestone.

That's when we know that the Constitution works. When we acknowledge the constitutional rights of a little shit like this.

I hate it when racist murdering assholes make me agree with them.

In Britney’s defense, it’s hard to remember faces as distinctly unique as Taylor's

This is the most epic case of accidental shade I’ve ever seen.

Well, obviously, if he was black he would’ve deserved the death penalty right then and there because uh reasons. Yeah... reasons...

During the RNC I looked up Tiffany Trump and it turns out she is a part of this Rich Kids of Instagram clique with the Brandt brothers, Kyra Kennedy, Michael Johnson’s kid and Henri Matisse’s great, great granddaughter. All they do is go around partying, obviously doing drugs from the photos and spending their

Since apparently nobody has gone there yet, I’ll put it down: same set up, skipping on cab fare, carrying narcotics, probably under influence, refusing to identify himself, running from cops, resisiting arrest by kicking and punching cops... But this time a black young man...

I would bet big money that he’s on a fixed allowance with no cards because drugs. It’s the end of the month, so he’s blown however much his trustee gave him for July.

Cops would have called the coroner’s office on their way to the scene, to try and save time.

ya but Colin and rest of them turned out to be ok so far

Great re-tooling of the Oscar Wilde quote. Kudos to you...

To birth one asshole may be regarded as a misfortune (see Chet Haze and Tom Hanks); to birth two looks like bad parenting.

From the Obvious Questions with Obvious Answers Desk: what if the little fucker had been black?