
GREAT....NOW the song is stuck in my head

Ummmm actually she was at a party where underaged drinking was happening but nice try.

Donations to these inner city youth sports programs are sorely needed as well. I’ve seen a few of them in action, and they do wonders for their members, and not just the highly talented ones. They give these kids a goal and an additional support system. Many of them have a strong academic component as well. And in a

Reeeeaaaallllllyyyy????? She’s CLEARLY drunk? As someone who goes to Lolla every year, I have any number of photos where I look totally wasted but haven’t had a drop of anything alcoholic. You’re having fun, you’re hot as hell, and if you are drunk you are probably not dancing and goofing because you’re trying not to

First Lady or no, I'm guess'in Melania is already sewing her jewels into her gett'in gone outfits.

I dunno. Given his history of bankruptcies, and how much money he’s blowing in this election, there might not be much left to inherit. I suspect THAT’S why we’ll never see his tax returns. Has nothing to do with Russia, and everything to do with not wanting people to know how much money he doesn’t have.

Alice Roosevelt threw down the gauntlet for First Daughters Behaving Badly.

And even if she is... so what? Alcohol was legal at 18 when I was her age, and she’s not driving or harming anyone in any way. She’s just dancing at a concert. So what, big deal, who cares.

It's actually part of the parting gifts you get as you leave L&D when your child is born. We are are told to wait about 13 years before busting it all out.

And we make fun of South Korean women.

still, you gotta admit, the odds of quintuplets reaching the finals is pretty impressive.

Well then, they better get on top of that.

I don’t care that they are similar-looking; this is and has been the exact ‘look’ that our country has been shoving down our throats as most beautiful for decades. I live five minutes from the winner’s hometown and I would be more surprised if she somehow made it out of there without being racist. The klan passes out

Belle. Always Belle.

Why are they all blonde? Also, the n-word coming out of Texas? You don’t say. Tell me more.

Answer: the brunette who is accepting of all people and beasts.

Who wore it better?

It took me a while to realize that they are teenagers.

Throw a convention for the republican party?