Afro punk fest is still pretty great. I got to see Grace Jones in body paint and fabulous hats hulahoop for 10 minutes straight while singing and doing stage work. I also got to see Lauren hill almost show up on time for her set.
Afro punk fest is still pretty great. I got to see Grace Jones in body paint and fabulous hats hulahoop for 10 minutes straight while singing and doing stage work. I also got to see Lauren hill almost show up on time for her set.
Think about kylie’s mother and sisters. She never had a chance. She had that work done before she hit 18. Its hard enough when you have a family that raises you to appreciate yourself for more than your lips, tits and ass. People talk about how difficult it is to raise girls in the age of kardashian, but she was…
Isn’t it funny how Russians spying is ok, because they “were just doing the job journalists were supposed to”, but when journalists are doing their job it’s deceitful and cowardly? So funny, so weird how that happens.
They don’t mention Obama because they didn’t perform at Obama’s. George Bush had 2 terms, and was inaugurated in 2001 and 2005. Obama was inaugurated in 2009 and 2013. They’ve only performed for Republicans.
And look out if you see that asshole popping tictacs.
Wtf is “the homosexual spirit”? If she weren’t on some fuck shit that would be hilarious.
The problem is that what self respecting 35 year old woman would go on this show looking for love? If you actually want to settle down for real, you tend to take yourself more seriously at that age and not want to waste your time.
My bit did air and I was one of the delighted people!The segment was Amy Poehler wearing a Pitbull (the rapper) mask then taking it off to reveal her face, then running off. It was like a split second and I screamed a little because I LOVE her. Total drive by. Then the producer came up and said they had to give a…
I’ve randomly ended up on the show and the producer hangs back for a bit, and then comes up to you, gives you a dollar and asks you to sign the release.
She actually looks better than Michelle from 2008. She aged backwards, stepped up her fashion game, and her hair cut is fabulous.
I feel like the narrative that I grew up with- that black women by nature are loud, unappealing, and above all else strong and independent- has kept me from ever feeling that men are here to protect me. Even the girls who do conform to what the patriarchal norms are escape that notion. The ride or die chicks with the…
Even when he deletes them people are like assasssins with those screen shots.
Maybe dignified. I could see an older woman being called that. But no one would be called classy- the funny thing about class as a quality is that people only call it out if it’s in doubt. They’ll call them elegant, sophisticated, stately, dignified, composed, etc, but classy is more often used to describe people…
I hope she has a gift receipt. We might have until January 2nd to return or exchange it. The world could use some socks or a nice gift card to Target.
That would explain her romantic-light relationship with her brother.
They gotta start adding that to the warnings under “don’t drink while pregnant” and “don’t drink and drive”. They could really use that “may cause open expressions of dormant racism” warning.
It would be hilarious if were possible for all the dancers to walk out and then get immediately hired as backup dancers for Hamilton or the Hamilton touring company. The NYC theater scene has already stated their opinion on Trump/Pence.
Considering that the only performed at inaugurations for republican presidents, it says two things- 1. That it totally does reflect their political leanings, and 2. Only republicans have such a shallow pool of talent available that they need to resort to a 1930s kick line.
Just stopping by to say I love the dollop, especially this year of “the more things change, the more they stay the same” themed topics.