But everyone is responding to that and replying to you that it won’t and backing it up with precedent. Laughter and humor coexist with anger and action. Always have, always will.
But everyone is responding to that and replying to you that it won’t and backing it up with precedent. Laughter and humor coexist with anger and action. Always have, always will.
That’s the weird thing. SNL makes it seem like these people don’t want to be around him, but they do! They’re just as fucked up!
Black and brown people tell jokes too. It’s not fight or laugh. There’s that popular idea that all we know how to do is get angry, but we’re funny people. Look at vine or twitter, or the history of black entertainers in America, both as black entertainers for a black audience and for white audiences. There’s a history…
The ability to freely poke fun at the leader is one of the first things to go. Satire and comedy is one of the canaries in the coal mine of our civil liberties, and we already see how much trump hates it.
With that bone structure?!?!? Jennifer Lawrence, duh.
A face like that, my god.
Kim has body dysmorphia and it’s sad. I’m glad someone pointed out that this is nothing to make fun of her for.
Stop bringing up that Cho was the public face for this. Cho advocating loudly for herself and her community in a public forum is not the same as being privately asked to be Swinton’s consultant on where she fucked up. This is what people mean by getting asked to do emotional labor for free. Start at that.
Do you remember the film Memoirs of a Geisha? They cast a Chinese actress as the lead instead of a Japanese woman, and I remember some people being vocal about it, especially in regards to China/Japan WWII relations, comfort women and geishas as sex workers. People do talk about these things as well, but no one pays…
She had never once admitted she did the wrong thing, or even did anything problematic. That’s the first step, and she won’t even accept her being complicit in the erasure, because taking the writers/producers/casting directors word that there’s no way her role could have worked with an Asian allows her to be…
The problem with you latching on to Cho saying she should talk about this frankly is that this correspondence happened months ago and Swinton clearly has not. She reached out to one Asian woman, got what she needed without listening, and then didn’t actually put in the work, something that probably annoyed Cho the…
Exactly, she’s not a doctor, she just went through a trauma, she has two small kids to keep up with, and Kanye’s behavior has been an up and down roller coaster for years, with all his past issues just being attributed to his “genius”. This isn’t something that you can blame anyone for, really.
It’s just because everyone listened to the tone and decided “that’s not a fight, Cho is a liar” without actually comprehending.
I just feel like the civility of the exchange is allowing people to ignore what’s being said and the actual takeaway from this. No, it wasn’t a name calling expletive laden fight, but this is what racial gaslighting looks like.
Trumpelstiltskin will only leave you alone if you promise him your first born daughter. But only the first born. Never the second.
I’ve had so many conversations like this with white people where we’re both being polite but everything they’re saying is sticking to me wrong but everything’s polite enough that for me to call them out on it would feel like an overreaction. That’s how I feel reading this. A lot of what Swinton is saying is bullshit.…
To lose your child and then have people think you’re lying about their very existence is the stuff of psychological horror films.
Medieval is a little far back. Look to the 30s and 40s for a leader who depended on rallies to energize his base even after he came to power.
It’s funny how 70 years ago the same type of people would’ve had the utmost horror at the concept of Russians spying on Americans. The same type of person who would’ve supported the House Unamerican activities committee and the communist witch hunt of the 50s is ok with Russian hacking now.
My problem is this- Putin didn’t “hack” the election, he hacked the DNC and RNC, and chose to only leak DNC info. Info that never even came close to the things Trump said and did while on camera. So people heard about the DNC leaks, saw Trump still trumpin it up and still chose Trump, and everything that entails. So…