LS & The Malcom Tucker FucketyBye Band

Her fucking hand-on-the-chest I SEE YOU, Disingenuous White Lady.

We need to go down that rabbit hole all the way to botton. Even if they find nothing. Call the DOJ and tell them you support a vote audit. 202-353-1555 It’s hard to get through, but they don’t seem to mind people caring about this.

Or, as I like to put it - the Republicans don’t want to govern...they want to rule. Big difference.

Well, seems like a lot of widely unreported and serious issues coming out of a lot of states, including Wisconsin. I just read today that according to a federal court Republicans in Wisconsin tilted district maps in their favor in order to hamper Democrats and win state elections in 2012 and 2014. The article went on

I’m currently Facebook fighting with someone I thought was a liberal Democrat about exactly this issue. I am over all these articles telling liberals that we need to understand “working class America” and “real Americans.” America encompasses much more than just the heartland, and there are working class people of

Similarly, I’ve been hearing rumblings about Wisconsin votes. People swearing up and down that they didn’t vote for Trump...yet here we are. So...what are the actual markers of election tampering/rigging?

That is....actually really fucking scary. Years of election statistics tell us that people simply. do. not. vote. that. way. I’ve been pretty quiet about things like petitioning the Electoral College to just pick Hillary because I think it actually undermines our democracy. But I have not been able to shake the

Hardly surprising. You’ve been fed the illusion that America is the greatest country in the world from the day you were born, a claim that was probably never true, but certainly doesn’t hold true today when it comes to the cold hard facts (literacy, education, health care, crime, life expectancy, income equality

Quoting this paragraph from that piece because goddamn if it isn’t the most brutally truthful account of how our democracy is failing (emphasis mine):

Liberals in America need to arm the fuck up.

I know this will never make it out of the greys, but the Civitas Institute is way more than just a “conservative group.” Besides being the main think tank behind most of the abhorrent legislation in NC, they also like to harass academics/others who question the republican party in North Carolina. They’re absolutely

This is exactly what I keep telling my husband. He doesn’t feel the fear I do because he’s a white Christian male, but I keep saying, “This is literally how Hitler got started. This is LITERALLY how it WORKS in the Middle East and Central America and all those other scary places you think are evil.”

Imma check back tonight to make sure this comment has 1 million starts because its the fucking truth

They cried “The election is rigged” until “Trump won, get over it!”

Hey, if they want to open up fraud discussions - how about the fishy looking vote totals in WI counties as it relates to paper ballots vs. digital-only ballots and 2012 vs. 2106. We can all go right down the rabbit hole all the way to the bottom if that’s what everyone wants.

This is the right wing, in a nutshell. I’m so sick and tired of hearing how they give a fuck about the people of this country and how it’s the evil elites on the left who are the real villians. The right care about power, holding power and using it to fuck over as many people as possible before they lose it. Fuck

Want to jump on your comment to make a PSA:

How very dare you.

That album is a treasure, the b-sides from that album are a treasure.