I think I know who his PR team is...
Thanks for the laugh amidst the tears. The man clearly cares about his appearance almost as much as his metastatically hateful ideology.
I don’t use the phrase often, but sax master is clearly LIVING THEIR BEST LIFE.
I’m dying. Please know that I’m taking over your fan club. Between your first response and this one, I have managed to fashion pom-poms out of shredded collards, speared on frozen bacon, with which to cheer you on to each new comment.
This made me cackle aloud.
Just perfect.
Look at the size of that thriving alien baby. It must have been TORN FROM HER WOMB DAYS BEFORE ITS DUE DATE a c-section.
They are carved like a rune; mere mortals like us cannot comprehend their meaning.
Oh yes. I would like to join your mailing list, volunteer to stuff envelopes, and pour you coffee or tea or wine and talk all night.