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Think you guys missed the important Forza-related item here...

Only derogatory articles about F1 are written on Jalopnik.

The least interesting top gear presenter who has nothing to offer aside from wealth and a Ferrari collection was opposed to the addition of the most entertaining presenter who is actually good at driving and is much more famous? No way.

I just can’t get over the “handwrite” letters.. That Start, etc.. never was good looking.. Make it small, “Caps lock” and capital like:

What about that one time you had two autojournalists live out of vans during an auto show and never gave us follow up on what happened?

Great! I can’t wait!

They’re to protect front of vehicle from damage. They don’t always work.

No. Stop it.

Just noticed that those shades look like an old school carburetor air filter.

I’m going to buck the trend.

-> All the power.


I disagree. F1 is an amazing motorsport, its just run by some pretty shady and horrible people.


Off-Topic: Luke Gilbertson’s Twitter handle is driving me insane.

Because the world is crying out for a practical family hauler from Ferrari?

Or he’s such a commercial whore he can’t help throwing in his endorsements whenever possible. He’s hardly shy and retiring given he and his fivehead show up on my TV screen every 15 minutes on the dot.

Worst part about that Corvette crash is that his sun glasses went skidding into the street. They’ll never be the same.

So what is the actual distance? 1 mile or 2 miles?

Can I buy one and put Lexus badges on it?