How We Made <i>Top Gear</i>

There we go then. The sun has set on what I imagine we will one day call Old New Top Gear. Now we sit patiently with

because it’s important to tell people who like MacFarlane that they have bad taste.

It’s really cute how you Z and Infiniti guys think those cars sound good.

The answer to your question should be brown.

Someone get Torch out of the sun, I think he’s got the heat stroke again.

yeah i should have worded that a bit more clearly.

Ignoring your car’s torque specs.

“Follow us on Snapchat for pictures of Maximum Bob’s maximum bob.”

NWI: Narrating while driving?

I’m like............

Nah, I’m just here for the articles.

The Boy Scouts are militaristic? Since when is fund raising, camping, and doing volunteer work militaristic? Am I missing something?

Is Travis the new Tupac, were he keeps releasing new material years after he’s gone?

Washing your car can net you noticeable MPG increase.

Travis Okulski is the Nissan Murano CrossCabriolet of people.

Me too.

This means that I leave you in the insanely capable hands of Patrick George...

What could he be thinking about?

a - unreliable