
Fellow San Franciscan here. I watched a guy with a phone and a wheeled piece of luggage utterly ignore dog shit on the sidewalk. He didn’t step in it, but he caught it with his luggage and pulled a streak 20 feet down the sidewalk.

(includes picture of four-pack)

Those are Ducted electric fans...not “jet engines”. Not “jet turbines”. and not “Jet Powered”. Nice clickbait as usual Andrew Shitewski.

Say that headline out loud. Would you ever say “an CD case”? It’s a CD case.

The explosive device inside was disguised as a battery

The thing is, you don’t even do any research, and you consider yourself an expert on everything. You just post links to other articles you found on Google. That’s not journalism, it’s barely even writing.

Don’t do _____ ever again because these [insert bad things] could happen. These articles write themselves.