
Sounds like he missed a unique opportunity to punch a Beatle in the dick.

I suspect she honestly doesn’t remember.

Their, there, they’re

Welcome to California

I have a lot of friends who work in the HIV treatment and prevention world and they all regard AHF as the crazy uncle. Their refusal to support PREP as a legitimate tool in the fight is infuriating and runs counter to literally every other study and scientific resource on hand.

I voted against Measure B when I lived in LA County. So many porn stars were out advocating against it. My understanding was that condoms just aren’t meant to hold up for what porn actors do and that using condoms can lead to small abrasions that make it more likely for actors to get infections. LA County lost

this is very beside the point but

Not even remotely legal, which is why my wife and I reported her.

This was actually big thing in Washington when we had 2 recounts for governor. I signed my registration first and middle initial and then last name. If I had signed my ballot full first name middle initial last name my ballot would have been flagged for not matching.

They have to be. It’s the only way they can stay in power.

Dang. Well good on you though!

I was scared about a “civil war” until I talked to my brother, a moderately sociopathic conservative who’s a career military dude of relatively high rank for his age. He doesn’t support Trump, and he seems to be of the opinion that most of his peers in military leadership don’t, either. Trump supporters might try to

I hate that I’m actually getting scared for my safety. I have the only Clinton sign in my yard among a street of Trump signs.

When I was in college Stephen Colbert came to our campus and performed. Colbert Report had been been a thing for maybe a year. When he started talking about politics, and his views were liberal, idiots around me were upset and confused bc I guess they didn’t realize his character and show were satire. They stayed til

Surprised I got through this many comments before getting Nfinger-banged

Reminds of when I saw Wanda Sykes and the well-heeled older White couple next to me starting tut-tutting under their breath when she became critical of the Bush Administration and McCain/Palin ticket. Mr. Nom and I had a chuckle on the drive home over, “What, exactly, did they expect from Sykes — an out Black woman?!”

“I don’t want to hear that. We wanted to have a good night without distractions with the politics,” said Bryon Nfinger.

So? You’re conflating things here, sweetie. And it stinks.

Really? I feel like that was probably just being polite, not anything else. A good proportion of Westerners probably expect Westernised cutlery when flying on Asian airlines. If you desperately wanted chopsticks you would have been given them. You would just have had to ask.