The only thing he’s thirsting for is peen. Gay like all of other Taylor Swift boyfriends.
The only thing he’s thirsting for is peen. Gay like all of other Taylor Swift boyfriends.
Two of my friends were at the protests in Baton Rouge. They said that the march was over, and a bunch of people were milling around at the endpoint. Some people started heading to their cars to leave. They heard some people talking about whether to march to police headquarters.
Thanks so much for your reply! Yes he votes and shames all his young friends into voting too. ;)
I live in the Bay Area and I agree for the most part. I kick and punch the Apple bus when I see it. I am by and large a socialist and anti-capitalism.
Right. That’s what worries me. Even the supply-and-demand crowd only argues that prices will level off, not drop. If they’re already as high as they are now that doesn’t really help.
I used to argue against this thinking the prices were just greed but I’ve changed my mind.
Eh, I grew up in the Bay Area and also lived in Oregon, Washington, and Louisiana. But I came back here. It’s totally unacceptable how much it costs to live here. Not just rent but everything else too!
If you only have only had one partner, and your partner also tests negative and doesn’t have other partners, then yes, you are absolutely right. And it seems that insurance companies should pay for yours because science says it’s still good for you to get one.
Yep. A family member is now dealing with an HPV related throat cancer and it’s no picnic. He’ll likely be okay after chemo and radiation but it is brutal.
You have more immunity than if you had none, but not a whole lot of immunity. Some protection is still better than none.
HPV related cancers are extremely rare in people under 40 because the cancer is very slow to develop. I didn’t read the specific stats cited here, I just know this because of my job.
I am also in love with it, as someone who works in HPV research. When I saw it I yelled aloud “fucking right!”.
Going along with this, 70% of people who are exposed to HPV will eventually clear the virus out. Your immune system kicks it out just like any other virus. The current thinking is that women under 30 have such high rates of abnormal paps because they are most likely to have had their first encounter with HPV and…
This may be somewhat true of straight men, but gay men get anal HPV infection.
Between 80%-95% of sexually active people are exposed to HPV. Many are exposed in their first few sexual encounters. This is why they won’t give it to you after you’ve had sex.
This. Exactly.
That would be the only way they could rationalize it, given that nearly every sexually active adult in the US gets exposed to it at some time. I’m sorry, that must be frustrating.
Ugh I’m so sorry! I always tell people that if they can’t come up with any other reason parents should try to spare their children having to go through a colposcopy or an anoscopy, which is the investigative procedure to make sure your HPV-related dysplasia isn’t cancer. These exams are unpleasant and if you have the…
There is no valid reason not to give your sons and daughters this vaccine. I work on Gardasil studies and the only side effect we have ever seen is a little soreness at the injection site. And it saves lives!
This isn’t just to you, but more of a general message. There are over 200 strains of the HPV virus. The test that they run only covers a few of the strains that are pre-cancerous or can cause warts. So a negative HPV test doesn’t necessarily mean you don’t have any HPV, you just don’t have the ones they checked for.