Three points:
Three points:
That’s a stupid comment. This is a democracy. People are allowed to criticize the police without joining them and telling them exactly what to do.
This tells us more about you than about her.
A VHS tape? You babies are so cute...
It does make me a little bit uncomfortable when people who are ostensibly journalists are so emotionally involved with the people they’re supposed to be covering. I mean, I guess it’s just videogames. I hope it’s not this bad when it comes to stuff that actually matters, like politics.
Shut up, I’m not crying. A tiny Goldar flew in my eye or something.
Yep, this is a total wtf moment. Murdering people: fine. Showing a vagina: stop the presses, needs to be patched out, think of the children!
I don’t think the controllers are the flaw. I think those are a nice throwback to the 90s.
Yup. Something important to consider: many of those games will never really work on emulation, or on other Nintendo consoles. Stuff like the asymmetric multiplayer games really require four Wiimotes, the TV, and the screen controller (a setup I’m not sure the Switch supports, though it might, I guess). If you don’t…
It’s obviously not misrepresentation. I guess this has something to do with trademark, but trademark really only applies if people could be confused about what they’re buying. If Ferraris’ customers can’t tell the difference between this and a normal Ferrari, Ferrari needs to start worrying about the mental state of…