
Hey can you mention, link to or quote the advocacy group Stella, who are quoted in the linked piece? It’s by-and-for sex workers in Montreal and I think it’s important that the voices of sexworkers _actually_ be heard.

“Sexual needs” is such a horrible, idiotic, misogynistic term that is exclusively applied to straight men. Even and especially straight men who are violent towards women, it turns out. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard an authority figure use that term in connection with women or LGBT people.

Thank you. We are not human shields for the less stigmatised members of the community.

Dear Muggles: Please stop thinking of us as a human shield to use as a buffer for socially acceptable women against creeps and monsters. Because that is a super fucked up way to think about other people, which is what we are. 

Right?! Misogyny, rape, and violence toward women ARE NOT BECAUSE OF FUCKING BLUE BALLS. Getting laid doesn’t magically turn men into nice guys! IT IS NOT SEX WORKERS’ JOBS TO MAGICALLY DEFUSE DANGEROUS MEN. Jesus fucking Christ.

The parole officer wrote it as if women in general are some kind of prescription for fixing men. Sickening   

Honestly, this is also why I get angry when people suggest that the way to deal with incels is to send them to sex workers. Sex workers are human beings performing a service; we shouldn’t condone having misogynists anywhere near them. Can you imagine if men did this to other service workers too? Would you take your

you are able to efficiently evaluate your needs and expectations towards women,”

Tits are more offensive than guns.  Fuck this country.

None of this explains the demands for affection and heartbroken wailing when I’m in the bathroom or trying to sleep, though. 

I love that texting is the problem here


He told Barno he’d like to “chat the whole flight”

I didn’t think it was possible for me to love Elton more than I do but here I am loving him more.

A slow-speed kidnapping that hits every red light does indeed seem like the most Larry David way to get kidnapped, yes.

The fact that he only used three fingers killed me.

Who spends $18.50 on a standard [m]ovie theater ticket?

My girlfriend is a wonderful woman. She’s smart, kind, hard working, and gives generously to her community. But she is also one of the approximately 5 people on this planet who are actually excited for this film, and for the life of me I cannot understand why or how someone so seemingly rational could feel that way.

He was such a fun deliberately two-dimensional villain. “I’m about to become a God. Hanging my dick out just feels excessive"