
The 3rd book in N.K. Jemisin’s Broken Earth series, The Stone Sky, dropped this year. Jemisin’s world building is amazing and the story is epic. I don’t want to spoil it because, again, it’s the 3rd and final book but it’s a Must Read.

You’re playing fast and loose with the use of the word “hot” there.

I volunteer as tribute

Congratulations to Julia. 10 Things I Hate About You remains one of my favourite movies to this day. The first time I watched it, I had been bullied into sex by my abusive ex the day before, and hadn’t realised it was okay to regret sex afterwards. Also Kat was my feminist hero at a time I was told because women could

True story, a friend of mine was hit on by Kevin Spacey in the late 90's. When he told us this, we, a group of hetereosexual males, yelled at him that he should have slept with him out of respect.

I’m confused. Does CNN no longer report on facts anymore?

I wish people would leave him alone on this. That wasn’t a situation where asking for a hug made sense, and it’s always okay for someone to turn down a hug even if it is one where hugs are normally given. It’s also fine that he doesn’t know who Kesha is. They’re not even in similar fields of entertainment.

I STRONGLY dissent.

Where does Chris O’Dowd factor in here?

I wouldn’t kick him out of bed, but he is no Thor.

Jesus how did they fuck this up so badly?

No. I do not co-sign.

Isn’t it called The Hammaconda?

It drives me crazy when people are all, like, “Fry it in olive oil” and I just think, “What? Do you love ruining your food?!”

Is there a service where Bobby watches all of your television for you and serves up these kinds of recaps? Talk about a delightful time saver.

Well, she did just get accepted to law school. So, fully qualified now! Also, legally blonde.

She’s taking the LSAT so she’s qualified!!

Come on, that’s crazy talk!

“Who?” Asked President Trump.

nop, it’s going to be Omarosa.