
Um, there's no statutory sick leave in America, no maternity leave and no paid vacations? WHAT! UK has about the same amount vacation days, a set amount of child support (Not sure how much), 6 months paid maternity leave (Although the rules have just changed). There is a little bit of sick leave. (Maybe up to six

I'm not going to say 'no, definately not', but I'm gonna say that it probably makes the nutrients that remain much easier to access because freezing bursts open the cells. But that's why I do it this way and not the other way (making a whole bunch of smoothies and then freezing those). Also, because I kill e.coli in

You don't mention this, so I'm sorry if this is something you've heard before but if you pee after sex the incidence may subside some. A friend of mine who moved ot the UK has basically eliminated them after a GP imparted this info to her. I feel so sorry for you

Buy a whole heap of veg and fruit and greens. Pre-bag and freeze in the same portion size. then you just have to empty a bag (or several) and add milk/yogurt/fruit juice

Actually, separate bedrooms are great! Initially I hated the idea, but our sex life is great (quality not quantity), we get all the room for our clothes, and no bother about the temperature/covers etc. Everyone gets teir sleep and no-one is very cranky. Different sleep patterns and needing to read in bed are also

I hate to break it to you, but I think the gift to get is a break-up. Your playing with fire

The NHS provides a massive amount of services 'free at point of use'. The money gets taken out of general taxation for those services. We have local General Practioners (about two - four doctors in one place), so that a number of people in the day, usually in a little building in a community, with a nurse or two,

I remember reading a story about someone who, in their gender studies class, educated a man that his homophobia was due to a very inappropriate advnce made upon him by a gay man in a taxi and that is exactly what women have to be aware of their whole lives.Realisation dawned apparantly.

I really hope she's ok. I wonder how long it'll be until she fully realises that this is her life for the next twenty years. Those first few years are rough. I'm glad she had someone like you to guide her. My mum was woefully inadequate in this regard.

Thank you! I knew he reminded me of someone!

OMG. We had a similar project, except it was about a house and a car. My forced class partner was similarly inclined to me. We picked a semi-detached house, a simple hatchback and he wanted a motorbike, alongside some other fairly basic things. We also got told off for not wanting more of the expensive items for our

This, so much this. I was coming here to say just this! I had literal scrap books of pictures from home magazines accumulated from the 18 months before our house became ours. (I hate pinterest, way too much blank space and scrolling). I am not going to get a wedding (Partner doesn't believe in marriage) but I sure can

You can totally have a wedding in line with your values like that. I'm going to one in January. The invitations are all recycled paper, they booked a beautiful room, so there's no need for decoration. The food is locally sourced for one meal, and coming from a supermarket with a strong fairtrade section and a genuine

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Ebola UK coverage vs US coverage of Ebola

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Love this guy! Interesting juxtaposition!

It was more for my grandparents who were unimpressed that I was moving in with my boyfriend in a city 1.5 hours away from home for university. At least they now have the delusion that it's because we're saving for a wedding? We're not going to get married, so I didn't need a ring. But I just couldn't conceive spending

We bought mine for £40 at a pawn shop. It's dainty, with no particular big rock, but three smaller ones in white gold. Can stay on through showers - unlike silver- and doesn't hurt me if it starts to move round my finger and deosn't rip the nitrile gloves I need for work! We chose it together. If I had to do it again,